
At my grandmother´s

This weekend I have been at my grandmother´s. She will be 91 on the 11 of march, so we had a great family meal with aunt-uncles, cousins, cousins couples and babies...so nearly 30 people.
This is the street were my grandparents have lived since they got married. Now it is quite different. But it is special to remind how live was not so many years ago.
Astebukaera honetan amamanean egon gera. Ostegunean 91 urte betetzen ditu, beraz bazkari familiarra euki gendun, osaba-izekokin, lehengusuak, hauen bikoteak, umeak...ia 30 pertsona.
Hau aitonen ezkontz osteko etxea dagoen kalearen argazki zaharra da. Nahiko aldatua dago orain, baina berezia da gauzak nola aldatu diren ikustea, ez hainbeste denboran.
Este fin de semana he estado en casa de mi abuela. Hará 91 el 11 de marzo, así que tuvimos una comida familiar, con tíos, primos y demás familia...casi 30 personas.
La calle de la foto es la calle donde está la casa de mis abuelos desde que se casaron. Las cosas han cambiado mucho, pero resulta curioso descubrir como estaban hace no tanto tiempo.

The day was quite grey, but I manage to take some green with me. Today is snowing again.
Egun grisa izan arren, berde apur bat lortu nuen arrapatzea. Gaur berriro edurra diagu.
El día estaba un poco gris, pero conseguí rescatar un poco de verde. Hoy está nevando otra vez.

A couple of photos of ancient (begining of the 20th century) and nowadays.
Argazki pare bat, lehengo eta gaurko baserriarenak.
Un par de fotos del mismo caserío a principios del siglo 20 y de hoy en día.

15 comentarios:

  1. wow... ¡qué delicia!
    nada de envidias de mis aventuras nevadas (todo muy lleno de gente y organizado, nena), lo que tú muestras sí es una maravilla.

  2. I love the northern spanish countryside. It is so cosy, traditional and beautiful! Happy birthday to the abuela :)

  3. Beautiful green farming countryside! And beautiful photos of what it used to be like. It doesn't look very different from what it is like here now! So glad you had a good weekend:)!

  4. a family meal sounds wonderful:)love those old photos!

  5. que lindo pueblo! muy parecido con Portugal también! Perdona el portuñol;)

  6. I really like your family stories, looks like a great place where your grandma (used to) live. same here I can assure you nothing magical happend in me when i saw it was snowing again this morning..

  7. So typical !!! I'll return to the Pays Basque in April... it's my husband "country" !!! Your old photos are great... Thanks

  8. ;-) nice nice place, the street is fabulous!

  9. Qué bonito!!! Qué pueblo es?

  10. those old photos!
    and the landscape!
    thank you ibb!

  11. Love the scenery! Happy early Birthday to your grandma! xo

  12. Como cambian las cosas... que bonito tu post!

  13. What a quaint little place! The light in the first picture is magical :-)

  14. Beautiful! I am glad you could spend some time with your family!


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