

This is a "txalaparta" an ancient instrument. It is made on wood of different trees in order to play different sounds. Some weekends ago there were some concerts in the old part.
Txalaparta konzentrazioa orain astebukaera batzuk gasteizko alde zaharrean.
Esto es una "txalaparta". Hace unos fines de semana, encontré una concentración con conciertos en el casco viejo.

9 comentarios:

  1. what a simple idea! I remember a time, i was still a child, i attended a seminar on music: we were trying to make music with our body! what fun :)

  2. I'm really curious to ear it's sound !!! I can imagine... Thanks for this discovery !

  3. Thanks for sharing. I never heard this instrument before. Pretty. xo

  4. cool! I have been to a concert once with all kind of strange medieval stringed instruments. So different from what we are used to!

  5. I love the sound of the word too Txalaparta, it's...citrus-y! :))

  6. Hola! pues de Federico Vegas me gustaron mucho Falke y un libro de cuentos titulado El borrador...
    oye que chulada ese instrumento! si no viera a los señores tan europeos tocando, hubiese pensado que era música africana...

  7. How simple it can be to make music out of sound!

  8. Fantastic! And what a beautiful instrument!

  9. I saw a ballet by la compañía nacional de danza here at the opera house in a'dam (a few years ago) based on the txalaparta. great it was.


Thanks for coming in
Mila esker etortzeagatik
Gracias por pasar