Days continue grey and rainy. It is difficult not to fall in grey day´s melancoly. I try to fill home with colours, fresh flowers, new books and a bit of happiness.
Egun grisak eta uritzuak jarraitzen dute. Zaila da malenkolian ez erortzea. Etxea kolorez, lorez, liburu berriz eta poztasun apur batekin betetzen zaiatzen naiz.
Los días grises y lluviosos se han establecido en la ciudad. Es difícil no caer en la melancolía de los días grises. Intento llenar la casa de color, flores frescas, nuevos libros y una pizca de felicidad.
Lore koloretzuak zeramikaz eginiko jarroi berrian. Ez utzi egun grisen malenkoliak arrapa zaitzatela. Astebukaera bikaina izan.
Flores de colores vivos en mi nuevo jarrón de cerámica. No os dejéis atrapar por la melancolía de los días grises. Tened un buen fin de semana.
wishing a little bit of sunshine into your corner of world! we don't have sun but we don't have grey either, the days are clear and frosty and quite beautiful :)
ResponderEliminarI got coffee...and I could make a cake for you
ResponderEliminarhave a good weekend
Flowers definately help the meloncoly. BTW it's a dried pancake spoon on my post!!
ResponderEliminaroh I so know what you mean! here the days aren't really great but not sunny either. Thinking about the days getting longer and longer makes me happier though, as well ass flowers at home. I'm so enjoying all the colourful flowers we have had at home lately! Have a great weekend and try not to fall into grey melancholy either!
ResponderEliminarAmazing carnations, love that color! Have a good weekend, in Lisbon it's not grey, sky is blue but it's freezing! We can't always have what we want;)
ResponderEliminarsufro la misma grisura que tú! que asco! a pesar de ello intentaremos pasarlo chupi! como dice mi sobrino! un beso
ResponderEliminarthat´s a nice color in those flowers, haven´t seen those kind of here.
ResponderEliminarhappy weekend! hopefully the sun comes out..
Your post reminds me of a Dr. Seuss book I had when my daughter was little, called "My Many Colored Days".
ResponderEliminarHope your grey days turn to shades of pink and red and yellow soon...
And in the meantime, thanks for sharing beautiful touches of purple in your grey.
PS thanks for telling me the meaning for UME, that's cute:)
How interesting, Ibabe, I've just been to the most amazing exhibition by my favorite artist (Chagall) and I've just been reflecting on a paragraph in his autobiography where he talks about flowers (and color) ... Fresh flowers can change the mood of a day.
ResponderEliminarI can send you some sun but with lots of wind today !!! Havea great week-end ; )
ResponderEliminarlove the first shot. not grey at all!
ResponderEliminarI know what you mean, it's been raining here nonstop for the last 2 weeks -but today the sun came out for a bit...yay :-)
ResponderEliminarWe had a sunny day today but it's very cold. I rather stay at home ... I can't wait for the Spring!
ResponderEliminarHope you have a great week!
love these shades of purple and pink ...