Eguraldiko gizonak astebukaera grisa eta euritsua datorrela esan du. Beraz denbora pasako det irakurtzen eta ikasten. Amaitu berri dudan liburu bati buruz nahi nizuen hitzegin. "Astrid eta Veronika" Linda Olssonena. Asko gustatuko zaizuela uste diat.
El hombre del tiempo ha dicho que el fin de semana va a ser gris y lluvioso. Así que intentaré pasar algo más de tiempo leyendo y estudiando. Acabo de terminar un libro que me gustaría recomendaros. "Astrid y Veronika". Creo que os va a gustar.

what a great idea 'reading and studying' is! Here too, the weather is cold and windy. An answer to grey is the color of the wooden home.
ResponderEliminarenjoy your weekend, Ibb!
Oh I love love love book suggestions. And the cover is inviting too. Thanks. .
ResponderEliminarok for Astrid and Veronika !!! Nice idea (and beautiful picture too)
ResponderEliminarI'll completely let you know. Happy weekend!!
ResponderEliminarI always judge a book by their cover:), and this is so pretty! (And a friend's recommendation helps). Happy weekend.
ResponderEliminarLo mismo para ti!! bonne week end! que bonitas esas casas rojas!
ResponderEliminarhappy weekend!
ResponderEliminarThe red houses on the first pic remind me of Sweden.
ResponderEliminarHappy reading/weekend
The red house looks like Norvegians or suedish's houses !! Are you realy living in Spain ? !!! Here, it's a rainy day too so i'm reading in my bed since this morning !!! Happy sunday ; )
ResponderEliminarOh, i love the book cover! Beautiful design!! It's cold and gloomy weather here... It's nice to stay at home and relax..
ResponderEliminarHere it's also very grey and cold, so diving into books is not a bad idea at all. This book looks great!
ResponderEliminarthe book looks great..I will have to look for it