Day of open doors. Wellcome to know where I live.
Weekend was rainy, so there was no people around. So photos are a bit postcard type.
I love where I live just because I have everything near and I can just go around with the dog and lost time speaking with the owner of a bar, or the guy that works in the fruit and vergi shop, or just find out that taking a coffee is not taking it alone...that little things that make life more easy and confortable.
Hope you can know a bit more about me now. Any questions?
Ate irekietako eguna. Ongietorriak nire auzotegira.
Astebukaera euriz josia izan genuen beraz argazkiak ateratzerakoan ez nun inor kalean topatu. Postale antzerako itzura hartu dute.
Maite diat auzoko bizitza. Dena eskura eduki eta kalera irten jakin baina noiz itzuliko zaren jakin ezinik. Txakurrarekin atera eta auzokoek kaixo esatea, eguna nola den fruteroak galdetzea, tabernan kafea hartzen sartu eta inoiz ez bakarrik sentitzea. Gauza txiki guzti horiek egiten dute haundi auzo eta unibertso txikia.
Espero dut gustoko izatea. Galderarik?
Día de puertas abiertas. Bienvenidos a mi barrio.
El fin de semana se pasó lloviendo todo el tiempo y las fotos están sacadas al mediodía mientras paseaba al perro. Resultado, unas fotos tipo postal que enseñan unas calles desiertas, bien lejos de la realidad de mi barrio.
Me gustan sus calles, vivir con todo cerca, poder salir sin rumbo y volver con dos conversaciones de más, un saludo del vecino, un todo bien del chico de la tienda de abajo, un hasta mañana de la frutera. Esa cercanía de barrio viejo, de gente de todos los sitios, un microcosmos cómodo de llevar y manejar.
Espero que os haya gustado el paseo por mi barrio y que os haya servido para conocerme un poco más. Si queréis preguntar algo, adelante.
Looking at your lovely photos remind me how much I miss living downtown.
ResponderEliminarI always have lived downtown...but work out...and can imagine what you feel
EliminarWhat a cute place to live!! Would love to visit someday :)
ResponderEliminarYou would be wellcome
Eliminarsomehow, in a way, what you wrote under your first image, is exactly the mood i got from that picture. fall season, and a welcome invitation. somehow, it did give me that completely. n♥
ResponderEliminarThat was the idea. Thanks.
EliminarTHanks for the doors opening into your world and showing us your town! You have an amazing way of bringing us right into your photos.
ResponderEliminarI really feel there with you! Your village street is so lush with trees, let`s unlock the red chairs and have a CV party there in the park:))
You are all invited to a coffee in those red would be a great pleasure to share with you all
Eliminarthat "living in a village" feeling is such a happy one! oddly, though we do in fact live in a village, we're too isolated to feel it ...
ResponderEliminarWe can change for a while. Come to mine and stay in not so isolated but still small village and I will go to write there...for example a novel ;)
EliminarPues es verdad, no se ve un alma, seguro que era domingo temprano,jajajaj.... Un saludo
ResponderEliminarDomingo a las 3 de la tarde...los del poteo estaban ya en casa y los del café no habían salido, jajaaja
EliminarBeautiful series. And... Yes, I have a question! Can I see more corners of your city? ;)))
ResponderEliminarOf course...come yo visit me...there is direct flight to bilbao from paris..or meanwhile i will try to walk with the camera
EliminarDespite the rain it looks cozy. I would love for a walk with you and have a coffee in a bar.