
Corner view: bath and shower

 I have a little bathroom, well just 5 square meter bathroom.
So I try to make that little space, beautiful, simple and confortable. A little oasis where to feel relaxed.
I choose a big shower, to feel like in a storm, out of the outside noise. Little wooden boxes to keep all beauty secrets under control and warm atmosphere to make my corner a home spa.

Etxeko komunak 5 metro karratu eskaz ditu.
Hala ere leku berezia behar zuen izan. Etxe spa txikia.
Dutxa haundia jarri nuen, ekaitz baten azpian sentitzeko, kanpoko zaratetatik at sentitzeko. Egurrezko kutxek edertasun sekretuak gordetzen ditu eta atmosfera lasaia lortzeko usaiezko kandelak erabiltzen ditut.

Mi baño tiene apenas 5 metros cuadrados.
Cuando hicimos la obra intentamos reformarlo para crear un espacio de relax donde poder desconectar de todo.
Elegimos una gran cebolla, para sentirse atrapado en una tormenta lejos del ruido de la ciudad. Cajas de madera donde esconder los secretos de belleza y pequeños detalles que hacen del minúsculo espacio un lugar confortable y cómodo. Un pequeño spa donde disfrutar de mis momentos.

27 comentarios:

  1. What a lovely and cozy room! I like the green tiles.
    I have the same wooden boxes (the square one) in my bathroom, I put my jewelry inside. And you know what? My bathroom is smaller than yours ;)

  2. It is a wonderful oasis! Love the green tiles and the overall decor.

    1. Thanks so much...tiles give a green touch that I love...

  3. It's a beautiful place... not so little!

    1. Yes little...imposible to share bad....no space to move two people together..ahahaha

  4. Uf, dutxa ta bainera nere debilidadeak dira. Izugarrizko gogoa dut berriro ere hara gora igo (gure benetako etxera) eta han bainu on bar hartzekoa. Hemengo dutxa oso txikia da ta paretarekin jotzen naiz, ... Ains... Aupa etxeko spak!

    1. Bainera....ni oraindik gurasoen etxera joaten naiz batzutan bainua hartzera...aitak esaten dit....ez zatoz bainatzera...eta han sartzen naiz behatzak pasak moduan eduki arte, garagardo batekin eta irratiarekin...ahhhhhh
      Gabonetan izango duzu aukera...Lasai

  5. What a cute little bathroom! Looks so clean and organized which is always good. :P

  6. and you've succeeded well in doing so, quite the luxury you have there, it gives me plenty ideas to get on chez moi. n♥

  7. Love the shower head! Funny thing is my husband and I always fight over where it should sit. That is why I usually opt out for a bath. Have a great weekend!

    1. If I would have a bath...I would take a bath for sure.
      Enjoy the weekend.

  8. Wonderful to create your own in -home spa!! Its a great theme for you I think, because you have such a treasure there and maybe would not have shared it if not for the theme?!! Happy soaking!! Today btw is `TOJI`, and in Japan today we have a special custom to put YUZU (its a type of citrus fruit like an orange) in the bath. Just mentioning it if it inspires you to get some local citrus and take a spa bath with them at the winter solstice!!♡

  9. This looks like a recovery. Transform a small bathroom into a spa is great art.

  10. Zorionak Ibb! pásalo super bien!! la cebolla de tu ducha me encanta!!! muxu bat

  11. wow! what a shower!
    Merry Christmas and have a good start into 2015!
    And warm greetings from Paris!

  12. Hey, thanks for your Xmas wishes. Health and Happiness for 2015 !

  13. Well, our toilet is only three square meter, so it´s very challenging to make it comfortable. But this looks nice :)

    1. Thanks for your words...I think as it is green it is easier...Have great new year!


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