
Spring ?

It is supposed that spring started last days.
Here is something that we even have noticed.

Udaberria hemen dagoela suposatzen da. Baina egia esanda heldu bezain arin, desagertu dela esan dezakegu.

Se supone que la primavera llegó con el final de la semana. Pero por aquí apenas llegó desapareció.

First cherry tree flowers flow, just before snow arrived again. Sunday is being grey and snowy.

Gerezi lore atera berriek azken eguneko elur eta hotza izan dute lagun.

Las primeras flores de los cerezos fueron recibidas por el frío y la nieve.

    So these woolen shocks my grandmother gave me, will not finish in the wardrobe. She is 95 years old this year and these are the last ones she has knitted. A little treasure I will keep.

Amamak egin dizkidan galtzerdiak beraz erabilgarri izango dira oraindik. 95 urte egin berri ditu eta hauek egin berri ditu. Gorde beharreko zeozer izan behar dira.

Los calcetines que acaba de regalarme mi abuela todavía serán útiles. Tiene 95 años y acaba de tejérmelos. Los guardaré como un tesoro.

How was your spring begining? Any flower projects?
Udaberrirako planik? Lore proiekturik?
Algún plan de primavera? Algún proyecto floral?

5 comentarios:

  1. Nieve? En serio?? Qué fuerte. Guarda bien esos calcetines, sí, menudo tesorazo!

  2. Springs started quite similarly here in Paris – but I haven't such nice warm socks ;-)
    warm greetings!

  3. it's spring, but it's still march so ... wait a little while before putting those socks away for the season!

  4. oh, they look so nice and warm, your new socks. I have now switched off our pellet stove as it is getting warmer. However, today is it almost a storm outside. Hope my newly planted trees still stand tomorrow :)

  5. Wish you that spring is coming soon. Here its pretty fine this year. Your grandmothers socks are wonderful, a real treasure.
    Thank you so much for your kind words about my exhibition!
    barbara bee


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