
Corner view: Together

I have missed last corners and it is quite long since I wrote last. 

You know, sometimes times flys and you are not concious of that till you look back and see that it was more that a month since I came to show you part of my world.
In May we had a girl weekend. As we are becoming 40 this year, we decided to went to Barcelona to celebrate.

I was a bit afraid of sharing so much time with friends. You know, in groups always are ones you like more and other you enjoy with but that you would not say a word about your problems. Each one has a different life, some have childrens, others babies, others dogs, others were pregnant...and each one has taken a different way in our lifes.

So I was afraid about not conecting at all, and having to share so much time. We are friends since we were teenagers, and we have changed a lot.
But I was wrong. It was so easy and so calm, that there was little time to choose, little to argue, and much to share. 

Together, we shared a great meal, a great weekend and old stories. We are getting old.

Hace tiempo que no escribo. Que no paso por aquí para compartir con vosotros lo que acontece en esta esquina del mundo.
Pero a veces el tiempo vuela y solo eres consciente de su paso cuando vuelves la mirada atrás y te das cuenta de que hace más de un mes que no escribes algo.

En mayo tuvimos un fin de semana de chicas. Como este año hacemos 40, decidimos juntarnos y celebrarlo en Barcelona.

La idea me producía algo de incertidumbre. Somos muchas y aunque nos conocemos desde que eramos adolescentes nuestros caminos han sido muy dispares. Hay gente con la que compartes más y otras que aun uniéndote una amistad no les contarías tus problemas. Y pasar un fin de semana entero, suponía un reto para mí.

Estaba equivocada. Todo fluyó con inusual tranquilidad, tal vez porque no había mucho margen de maniobra y no teníamos espacio para discusiones, tensiones ni nada. También puede ser que iba sin ninguna pretensión, exceptuando la de disfrutar.

Juntas, compartimos una comida increible, cervezas, risas y rememoramos viejas azañas....nos estamos haciendo mayores.

18 comentarios:

  1. I like girl weekend... And I'm sure about one thing... Don't worry, because you are a connected girl ;))

    1. Thanks so much. It is nice to feel you are closed. ;)

  2. It's good sometimes to spend time with friends...
    Have a nice week!

    1. Thanks so much. It is grey, but I don´t know why I am ok...I am making a coaching course and it is being interesting...

  3. So wonderful that you were able to keep your friendship over all these years - girls nights are always the best.

    The sunny and warm period was only short here, now its cold and grey again, that was the reason to head to the beach, as long as it is warm enough. Dogs are only allowed on special beaches "Hundestrand" in summer, these are normally not to big, but I'm glad we have it! So many people are having dogs the beaches for us could be bigger, because they're normally the most crowed ones..
    Wish you a nice day
    barbara bee

    1. So that I love beaches in winter...they are more wild, and less crowded.

  4. Y menos mal que nos hacemos mayores! ;)

    1. Ya te digo...la verdad es que estoy cada día mejor y más agustito ;)

  5. Sounds so great that you got over your fears and had a great time!!
    I love your friends shirt with the butterfly!

    1. She has good taste. She is doctor...one of the clevers of the group ;)
      I am writting slowly for you ;)

  6. Looks and sounds like a wonderful time! "Girl time" is very important - esp as we age. (Not that 40's old. I hit 47 in April.)

  7. Looks like you had an amazing time! Yahoo! Happy belated birthday!

  8. Another belated birthday wish! I'm glad you had such a special trip!

  9. Me alegro de que lo pasarais bien, no es fácil cuando hay tanto mogollón de gente. A mí también me ocurre que disfruto recordando viejos tiempos, o escuchando música de los 80.... es cosa de la edad, jajajaj.... Feliz finde guapa :))

    1. Gracias. La verdad es que me sorprendió. Creo que fue, porque la gente iba sin pretensiones....


Thanks for coming in
Mila esker etortzeagatik
Gracias por pasar