Apart from my inner renewal I am thinking in making little improvements at home. The ideas for the hallway are the next.
Barneko berriztapenen aparte aurten etxean berriztapen batzuk egin nahi ditut. Ideia hauek sarrerarako dira.
A parte de la renovación interior que espero vaya sucediendo, quiero hacer pequeñas reformas exteriores en casa. Mis ideas para la entrada son las siguientes.
Wallpaper from Roddy and Ginger
I am looking something similar to these, here in Spain. These are from Car Möbel
And something for the bike
Have I said that I have a very tinny hallway? Any more ideas for renewal?
Esan dizuet sarrera txiki xamarra dudala? Ideiarik?
Os he dicho que tengo una entrada minúscula? Alguna idea más?
I am sure you will come up with something amazing.
ResponderEliminarI hope that you will show us "after" photos when you've finished your projects!
ResponderEliminarour hallway is lined with books ... as is the rest of the house ...
ResponderEliminarin my hallway i cannot even turn around!! ;-)
ResponderEliminarbut i'm curious what you will make of it; woolfenbell also shows some nice ideas!
our hall way is tiny ... would not be able to fit in a bicycle, but I love the idea on the last pic. :)
ResponderEliminarI love the wallpaper in the first one!
ResponderEliminarall great ideas, I love the wallpaper too,
ResponderEliminarand ooh, the something for the bike, its great!! And the bike reminds me of my Green Raleigh,
would like a little space like that for her:))
good luck and please show us how it comes out!♡
The third photo I really like. So I would take a cloakroom. I especially like the tapet.
ResponderEliminarI cannot give any advise, I clean out the house big time at the moment, less and less stuff, more and more walls and floors to see. And I love it.
ResponderEliminar(That being said, the photos you selected are lovely!)
the wallpaper looks very effective!
ResponderEliminari also love those wooden spoons in your more recent post, have just looked into the seller, i might be tempeted... n♥