
Corner view: close by

I live in a city where all is close by, so I move on bike.
Hiria nahiko txikia da, dena dago nahiko hurbil, bizikletan mugitzeko aproposa.
La ciudad es lo suficientemente pequeña, todo está cerca, y eso me permite moverme en bici.

I have art near home.
Artea diat etxe ondoan.
Tengo arte cerca de casa.

I have letters.
Letrak ditut.
Tengo letras.

I have fruits.
Frutuak ditut.
Tengo fruta,

I also have flowers.
Loreak ere baditut.
Tengo también flores.

As you can see, I have all first needs close by.
Ikusi dezakezuenez lehen beharrak nahiko hurbil ditut.
Como veis tengo las primeras necesidades cubiertas por cercanía.


8 comentarios:

  1. What is that second building? It's fabulous!

  2. good things to have close by ... I really miss my bike :/

  3. It's very nice to have everything close to home and be able to move by foot or by bike. I am a little like that too. But sometimes I dream of the countryside ... especially during summer.

  4. Muchas gracias por cada uno de tus comentarios... "lo tengo todo papi" como dice la canción!


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