I must confess that I am not very fond on christmas. But each year I try to get a bit of that spirirt at home. This year I made a black clay house to keep candles inside in my ceramic classes. Those words are probably the ones that would like to manage my life next year. Slow living.
I added a wooden white tree and some black crochet.
Egia esanda gabonak ez dira nire urteko denborarik gustokoena, baina urtero halako atmosfera berezia etxean sortzea gustatzen zait. Txiki, gutxi eta piskat indartzeko urte berrirako sarrera. Zeramikan kandelak gordetzeko etxea egin eta hitz horietan datorren urteko nahiak agertarasten saiatu naiz. Poliki bizitzen.
No soy muy de navidades, pero me gusta ese espíritu optimista que lo llena todo. En esa línea he intentado reflejar con esas palabra la filosofía para el año que viene. Tomármelo con calma y disfrutar. La casa es de barro negro, la terminé justo para esta semana en clase de cerámica. Un poco de color blanco y un poco de negro en ganchillo.
And some lights to create a more positive atmosphere. Need a bit of colour in mind, and in life.
Eta kolore apur bat, kolorea emateko bizitzari. Positibotasun apur bat.
Y un poco de luz de colores, para crear una atmosfera positiva. Un poco de color para la vida.
A crochet garlan with soft colours for the bedroom, just to keep calm and relax.
Lasaitasuna ekartzen duten koloreak gabonetarako.
Unos colores suaves para añadir un toque en la habitación. Ganchillo sencillo para hacer mientras las noches son demasiado cortas y el sueño se apodera rápido de mí.
And your december is Christmas or Winter mood?
So sweet... I'm ready to read your story ;)
ResponderEliminarperfect for winter and christmas mood!
ResponderEliminarPS am I expecting mail from you? going to post office tomorrow!
My December is christmas mood. I love all the lights everywhere. I have boost or cut lamp globes in my hallway - all year round. :) Donate such a beautiful, warm light. And I have poinsettias that glow. I do not like to depend.
ResponderEliminarSlow living - that would be something for me. I take it myself every week, and never succeed. Such resolutions for the new year ... at some point it has to work.
You create so much beauty in your life and in your home!
ResponderEliminarI love all the homemade and colourful touches, and the blackclayhouse.
The words are perfect, I remember wearing a necklace that said `LIVE LOVE LAUGH` when I was in HighSchool or so! Its always great to be reminded of those 3L`s to live by! And my sister will be happy that you added `dream`!!♡