Have you ever feel the smell of orange blosom? It is really a very nice fragance. And that´s may be the key. Having time to stop and smell. Feel the fresh fragance and slow down. That´s was our week off. A slowing down. No more than waking up late, taking breakfast outside, walking on the beach, and just stopping worring about all those things that sometimes make our day to day to stressfull.
Lately I don´t need big holidays, althought I like travelling a lot, I am becoming lazy about big planns. Maybe because to relax just need stopping and going out of routine. So we took our bikes and went just looking for better weather.
And I have been thinking. I just finished a e-course about blogging. It was about making your blog more proffesional, and what should one make to atract more readers and so. Sometimes I feel that all that I write is not worth, that noone reads it and that I am alone. Others I feel there are lot of good friends behind, that I am afraid I would lost if I become "more proffesional", as I am afraid of loosing the close way of writting. Others I am tired and feel that it is better to leave...and others just thing....I will do what I feel each time. And I would like to know your opinion about it. How do you feel about writting and about reading me?
Etxera ekarri izan ahal banu azahar lore bat ekarriko nuke, egunero haren usaia etxean somatzeko. Hain da freskua eta hain da, egia esan ez dakit nola deskribatu ere. Baina badu halako magia antzerako bat, ze ondotik pasatzen ginen bakoitzean, geratu eta usaitzen pasatzen genituen minutu batzuk. Barneratzeko edo, harek zeukan fragantzia.
Egun batzuk hartu genituen oporretan. Soilik geratzeko, erritmoa jeitsi eta uneez disfrutatzeko. Berandu jaiki, gozaria terrazan hartu, hondartzatik buelta bat eman, ordutegi gabe ibili. Geratu eta erritmoa jeitsi. Atzean laga egunerokotasunak jartzen dizkigun eginkizunak. Bizikletak hartu eta eguraldi epeleruntz bideratu ginen. Une lasai eta zoragarriez betetzen ordutegi gabeko egunak. Txikikeriez disfrutatzera.
Eta horrek pentsatzeko denbora lagatzen dizu. Blog bat idazteari buruzko kurtsoa egin nuen oraindela gutxi. Nola bilakatu zere bloga profesionalagoa. Nola bideratu irakurle gehiago. Batzutan inorentzat idazten dudala iruditzen zait, bestetan hemen aurkitutako lagunak izugarriak direla, eta idazteko forma edo profesionalago bihurtu eskero galdu egingo ditudala, besteetan dana laga eta berriro ez idaztea ikuskatzen dut...zuek zer uste duzue, nola egiten duzue idazteko eta nola sentitzen zarete hona irakurtzen zatozenean?
Habeis tenido alguna vez la oportunidad de oler una flor de azahar? Es ese tipo de fragancias que te atrapan y cada vez que pasas por al lado de una flor, te obligan a bajar el ritmo, respirar hondo, intentar mantener ese olor y acercarte para coger una flor, en el intento vano de llevarte para casa esa sensación.
Básicamente fue lo que buscamos cuando nos fuimos una semana de vacaciones. Bajar el ritmo, detenernos en los pequeños detalles y olvidar las obligaciones autoimpuestas que rigen nuestro día a día. Vivimos unos días sin horarios, con desayunos en la terraza, con paseos por la orilla del mar y deteniéndonos a oler, a saborear y a disfrutar de increibles puestas de sol, lunas que tímidas se bañan en el mar y una luz que no se encuentra en otro sitio. Y guardar eso para los días de oscuridad y rutina que se repiten a lo largo del invierno.
También he tenido tiempo de pensar. Hace poco hice un curso para "profesionalizar" un poco el blog. Para atraer más lectores, para sacar algo más de escribir. Pero muchas veces pienso que no hay nadie detrás, leyendo. Que mis palabras, ni inspiran, ni sirven, ni son escuchadas. Otras veces temo que si amplío o busco algo más, perderé a los lectores-amigos de siempre. Y realmente no sé muy bien qué hacer. Cómo os sentís vosotros al escribir, qué os aporta acercaros a mi pequeño mundo?
I can understand you very well, because I feel often like that. I like to blog and I like to read blogs. But I also have - except for the Corner View - often the feeling I'm alone and I write and photograph for myself. This is certainly the disadvantage of blogging. I do not know if there are people who are really interested in my thoughts and my photos and my experiences.
ResponderEliminarAnd then again, I've met some great people virtually. It originated acquaintances that I do not want to miss. I participate on the lives of others. And if it's just simple everyday, but I still like to know. Nevertheless, it enriched my own views and thoughts.
Please stay here and write and photograph on. I'm very happy to pass on to you.
Thanks for your words Kristin. It is nice to know that always is someone just on the other side. And thanks for letting me share your world.
EliminarWe are here reading :) I don't have much time to actually comment on any blog anymore, I usually read here and there on my iphone and commenting from the phone is a pain! But we are still here, so don't disappear.
ResponderEliminarI know that you are there. I know that for you is so hard to keep in touch, so for me your words are special. Thanks Victoria
EliminarWhen I read your words I think we often feel the same things. The more years pass, the less I post on my blog. I stopped to ask me if I continued or not, I post when I have the time and when I feel like it. Sometimes there is almost no visits or comments, too bad, it's not very important in the end. As Kristin says, it also allows to meet people in real life and it's a real great thing too. It's a nice opening to the world. Keep on ;)
ResponderEliminarI understand you...and your words encorage me to keep on...and your music discoveries...Thanks
EliminarQue muchas personas no contesten no quiere decir que no te lean. Estoy segura de que te leen muchos más de lo que crees. Pero para mi, el acto de escribir es algo persona e íntimo que comparto, y si una dos o diez personas se acercan a leerlo es un extra, no la consecución de un objetivo. Creo que me entiendes a qué me refiero ;) Tú sigue haciendo eso que te llena y los que lo leemos disfrutaremos siempre.
ResponderEliminarTe entiendo...pero hay veces que necesitas oir unas palabritas que te mantengan ahí...porque aunque para mí también es un ejercicio que adoro, hay veces que el mundo se conjura para robar tu tiempo...Mila esker benetan, hor egoteagatik...eta ea aurten ere pintxo batzuk hartzera geratzen garen...merezi diagu berriro errepikatzea.
EliminarIf your blog is "more" professional, I'll come to read you as I do today. I like your world, I can feel its sweetness, its wealth, its beauty... I do like Menthe Blanche does, I don't ask me if I have to continue or not, I do it, because I like to do it, I like, to read my blÖgfriends and dream that we erased kilometers and borders... We often share the same ideas and this network shows us that we are not alone...
ResponderEliminarHave a nice day.
Thanks so much. It is so important to feel part of a family of blogfriends for who kilometers doesn´t exist.
EliminarThanks so much, MY FRIEND
It seems that you completely not alone with your questions and doubts, I do that too. Sometime especially with my great woman posts which do make a lot of work, it seems totally stupid to do so, because of not enough responds, but on the other hand there are readers and some are growing into friends and I think o.k. that was worth it. I guess doing, what feels right to you is always the best decission. And I like your idea of slowing down and be more relaxed because I'm totally not at the moment. So this was a good read for me today.
barbara bee
Danke schon Barbara. Slowing down is ok, although seems things are going too quickly, having just 5 minutes to say those for me...that´s enough. I will keep on writting.
EliminarSi lanzar tus pensamientos al abismo alivia tu soledad,ya tienes tu respuesta.
ResponderEliminarAwesome landscapes. I think going with what your heart tells you to do at the moment is the way to go.
ResponderEliminarI think it is what finally will do
Eliminari feel very much like you sometimes. but when I look back in my blog, I'm so happy I write it for myself first of all. it's such a nice diary in a way.
ResponderEliminarFirst is a kind of diary...but sometimes one needs to hear people is on the other side of the window.