The most difficult part of this corner was to choose just one book. My house if full of books, and I am one of those who enjoy going into a book store and wander looking for anything that catch my eyes.
I usually read different kind of book at the same time. Now I am reading a book of Agota Kristof that recomended a friend. I have just started, but think will enjoy it a bit more as weather is going colder and darker.
Lately I can stop buying beautiful magazines. Kireei is one of those magazines, that are more than magazines, little books that it is worth keeping. Kinfolk is also somewhere on a self waiting for a second read.
A new discovered passion is for illustrated books. I bought those children books with great illustrations, and those classic books that are being illustrated by great illustrators. The last one is one from Paula Bonet.
What about your latest discoveries?
Aste honetako gaiari buruz idaztean liburu bakar bat aukeratzean aurkitu dut zailtasuna. Liburuak erosten dituen horietakoa naiz. Maite diat kutxu zaharra duten liburudenda horietan sartu eta handik bueltaka ibili zeozerk deitu arte. Norabiderik gabe bilatzen hasi eta egunak eta liburudendak azaldu nahi didana aukeratu.
Normalean liburu bat baino gehiago diat irekia. Agota Kristof-en liburu bat diat orain eskuartean. Lagun batek irukurtzeko esan eta hasi berri diat. Denbora txarrak eta gau ilunek lagunduko didate aurrera jarraitzen.
Azkenaldian aldizkariak era ditut eskuartean. Baina aldizkari berezi horiek, nortzuk denborarekin berriro ireki eta goxatzen diren horeik. Kireei aldizkaria erosi nuen pasatako astean eta Kinfolk diat saloian berirakurtzeko.
Bestalde marraztutako liburen kopurua ere haunditzen dihoa etxean. Gazte liburuak, liburu klasiko ilustratuak, komikiak....ilustrazio artelanak. Paula Bonet-ena da erosi dudan azkena.
Zeintzuk dira zuen azkenaldiko aurkikuntzak?
El tema de esta semana requería un ejercicio de imaginación, puesto que elegir solamente un libro es algo que me cuesta mucho. Tengo la casa llena de libros y sigo comprando. Me encanta perderme en esas viejas librerías, sin rumbo, vagando entre los estantes, esperando a que algún libro me llame. Porque estoy convencida de que los libros nos llaman, dependiendo del estado de ánimo, del humor, del tiempo...
Soy de las personas que tienen varios libros empezados a la vez. El último que he empezado es el de Agota Kristof. Me lo recomendó una amiga y no pude por más que correr a la librería y empezarlo.
Últimamente me he aficionado a las revistas. Esas revistas que parecen libros, que merece la pena conservar y volver a ojear de vez en cuando. Kireei y Kinfolk están en mi lista de imprescindibles.
Mi última pasión se dirige hacia los libros ilustrados. Empecé comprando libros de niños de grandes ilustradores y ahora novelas clásicas ilustradas y cómics. Considero que hay verdaderas obras de arte encerradas en pequeño formato. El último es el de Paula Bonet.
Cuáles son vuestros últimos descubrimientos?
intriguing first photo! is it a levitating book?! :)
ResponderEliminari like the idea of magazines, but don't read them really. the only exception is The New Yorker.
It is a "invisible self". Perfect for bedside book collection ;)
EliminarYo tiro de biblioteca. Tengo una lista en la que voy apuntando libros recomendados (luego no me acuerdo por quién ni dónde). Unas veces la lista me sorprende con libros maravillosos y otras no paso de la página 50. Ayer acabé "La ladrona de libros" y me ha encantado, aunque lo empecé con cierto escepticismo. Feliz día :))
ResponderEliminar(¿me apunto el de Kristof?)
Gracias. Yo tiro de biblioteca en los que no estoy segura...o de los bestsellers...por ejemplo los de misterio etc...que me acabo en dos días...los "densos" me los compro....
EliminarFeliz finde
I love it to read Kinfolk too. :) It is a great magazin. I jump through all genre. I like crime novels by Fred Vargas much then as I said the Americans as Steinbeck, TCBoyle and Stewart O'Nan, I like the German literature as Wolfgang Herrndorf. But I have also spanish at home as Jaume Cabré and Ildefonso Falcones. I like historical and present. Tolkien and Douglas Adams. It depends on my mood, what a book I like to read. Therefore, I have at least a shelf full of unread books. :)
ResponderEliminarI have a lot of unread ones...I like crime novels for when I feel streesed, feel relax reading about murders...ok, sounds horrible but well...nordic crime novels...idilic landscapes full of dark secrets and a no so perfect society. About history...i had my a bit apart...I can recomend you Carlos Ruiz would love him...
EliminarMáximos respetos a Paula Bonet, es mi diosa (leer esto imaginándome haciendo una reverencia). Conoces a Alberto Montt? A mi me hace muchísima gracia, aunque no es para todos los gustos, aviso ;)
ResponderEliminarApunto...aunque se me está quedando la estantería pequeña....jajajajaja...y eso que es de pared, toda una pared ;)
EliminarI really like magazines and illustrated books as well!!! The last one is particularly beautiful.
ResponderEliminarYou would love her drawings...are so methaphoric....
Eliminarlove how you start your post...The most difficult part of this corner was to choose just one book!!
ResponderEliminarit's great to read all the people from cv how they love to read!
i love illustrations in a book, sometimes i just buy a book because of it!
I wish I had more time to read! Some day!
ResponderEliminari know what you mean. those illustrated books have the quality to make one go curl onto oneself and read, with a blanket in our lap. i read an agota kristof years ago. i LOVED it. n♥
ResponderEliminarI will tell you about Agota
EliminarCutest picture of you with your bright socks and patterned couch reading a picture book!!
ResponderEliminar`Kiree` means pretty in Japanese, but I wonder maybe its not a Japanese magazine?
Happy reading! Love, ♡
It is not a japanese magazine. But has a japanese name.
EliminarI love your pillow with the 2 birds ... so sweet !!
ResponderEliminarOnly one book? Just now I´m reading three books at the same time. One is Clarice Lispector´s Aqua Viva. She was a Brazilian writer 1920-1977. The book is an interior monologue, very interesting and challenging.