
Merry christmas

Every year the friday before Christmas Night the old part of the city fills of candles. 
Today I had lunch with family and now I am at home with a flu, under the blankets. Just wish you a great christmas. Hope you enjoyed these days a lot.
Gabon gau aurreko ostiralean, alde zaharra kandelaz betetzen da. 
Gaur amamarekin bazkaldu dugu denok. Orain etxean katarroak jota manta azpian nabil. Espero diat egun hauetan ondo egon izana, eta ondo pasa izana.
La noche del viernes anterior a Navidad, el casco viejo de la ciudad se llena de velas.
Hoy hemos comido con la familia y mi abuela (94 años). Ahora en la calma de casa, escribo deseandoos que hayan sido unos días de felicidad.

4 comentarios:

  1. Oh I hope you feel better soon! And you had a good Christmas!

  2. Sorry to hear you got the flu. Hope you feel better soon!
    I love the photos of the lights in the old city, and feel like I am getting to know the Plaza in the Old City through your posts.!
    Surely your body is getting much needed rest and you will be renewed for the new year !! Year of the Horse!! take care, with love,

  3. Qué pena haberme perdido esa noche :( Eguberri on, urte berri on eta 2014 ikaragarri ona izan dezazula!!

  4. NO! we all came down with a virus too, but just before christmas ... hope you're well in 4 days time, and can celebrate the new year in style.
    (I did receive it, and am intending to reply by hand)


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