
Corner view: work and play

Easter has began. There are many religious parades, with drums, with trompets and wooden figures.
I work today last day this week, and tomorrow will enjoy of some days of, of playing with my time.
Astesantua hasi da jada. Prozezioak kaleak betetzen dituzte, danbor, trompeta eta egurrezko irudiekin.
Gaur azkenengo laneguna diat, biartik aurrera jai egun batzuk datoz, jolasteko denbora.
La semana santa ha comenzado. Hay procesiones, llenas de tambores, trompetas y pasos.
Hoy trabajo el último día y  a partir de mañana tendré unos días para jugar con mi tiemp.

So let´s play.

22 comentarios:

  1. I hope you have a lovely holiday. We are just going in to holiday-time here in New Zealand too. Easter - and then school holidays

  2. I like how your corner celebrates big with a lot of playing. :) xo

  3. wow this is a big easter celebration!
    enjoy and have a happy easter!

  4. Always great to hear live music. Enjoy the Easter celebrations.

  5. Very different rituals from ours over here - there are so many ways to celebrate and commemorate events, aren't there? Happy Easter, and enjoy your days off!

  6. Nice to have some live music AND some days off! Enjoy and happy easter.

  7. It's so wonderful how much Easter is celebrated in European countries. I assume you live somewhere in Europe?

  8. I love the little with the drum that is 5 times bigger than she is! Precious!

  9. I'm not one for rituals, but I'm all for playing with time.

    Have fun!


  10. Easter started here too ... 4 days of celebration !!

  11. Feliz Semana Santa, este año nos quedamos en casita y con la lluvia, procesiones pocas o ninguna, con lo que me gustan!

  12. enjoy your time off! the costumes in your images are so beautiful... i can hear the drums.

  13. Happy Easter! Thank you again for the giveaway gift!

  14. So beautiful. I would love to spend Easter over in Europe someday to experience the holiday from another perspective .

  15. I hope you have had lovely Easter holidays! The celebrations look a lot different than what we have here, I would love to see and hear more. :)

    The weather has been amazingly sunny (but cold) here, and I'm about to go for the first bike-ride of this spring!

  16. Good idea! Happy belated Easter - x

  17. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and I look forward to reading more.gatwick to w2|cab w2


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