
5 random facts about me

I was asked to talk or write about 5 random facts about me. Really it is not an easy work just because lately I find no much words or no much to say and in the other hands there is so much I could talk about to take just 5 things.

1.- Last week it was my birthday. 37. Too many for a lot of things. It is as if I feel tired and old lately. As if my time for so many things has passed and I need to find in which part of everything I find myself. I had a good day, but it was not enough to bring grey clouds away.

2.- As I am growing old I feel more confortable in open spaces, in little villages, in details. More than in big cities full of people. I prefer little pub concerts, friend lunches, outside activities...and if I could, I would like to move a bit out of city, to a little village.

3.- On friday I had lunch with old work friends...and maybe I must admite that the decision of changing....maybe it was not. In one had it was something I must make, but as time passes the new work is becoming more and more frustrating and that always make you look back. I am trying to change...always trying to find. Maybe that is me. Trying to find, looking for, experimenting...

4.- It is time since I don´t listen to music. I cannot find the moment. It is as if I stopped some years ago and now I can find my place. So the little I listen, are old records.

5.- My camera and me are not very good friends in the past weeks. No photos. No good photos. It is as if the last grey, rainy weeks have taken all colours away and I feel enable to catch the greys and the beauty of white and blacks. I promised a friend that is pregnant to make her some photos...but really not feel good about it. Any tips about it? To recover my friendship with the camera....

I could stay more writting, but I was asked just to write 5 and I think it is enough for a monday morning. Just to say thanks, for those who thing about me in this kind of confidenses and to those how read me.
Enjoy the week.

11 comentarios:

  1. This all sounds very familiar.

    With the variety of crises at hand, the world is going through a rough time. The midlife thingy makes it even harder. At thirty-odd, we've seen lots of stuff, done lots of stuff, and now what?

    I think it's wonderful that you open up about it. Know that you're not alone in this. We all must keep trying to see the bright bits in greyness, in ourselves, in our loved ones.


  2. Five sincere things. I wish you sun... and change (?)

  3. Happy Birthday!
    I think my 30s were the hardest decade of my life. The point in life when you feel you have to rush for things. But you don't. Not yet. And you're old enough to make the right decisions! It's a good decade, live it up!
    Maybe this isn't just the perfect job, but from what I read here, changing jobs was good - you weren't happy, and would have had regrets had you not.
    Take the time to breathe, and to take one step at a time - you'll go far.
    Warm hugs.

  4. Happy birthday! I, like you, prefere small vilages to big cities. I wish I could move to a small vilage - north Spain maybe?

  5. Happy Belated Birthday my friend!! I can say for me as I get older I like more quiet and smaller groups of friends. I think when we are younger it is about quantity as we get older it is about quality. As for your camera just like any relationship embraces it. The first few pic might not feel right but it will all come together. xo

  6. Buscar y querer cambiar es bueno pero hay que saber controlarlo para poder disfrutar tb de lo que se tiene...Mi madre dijo una vez: "mis hijos quieren pantanos y se ahogan en vasos de agua", y es una gran verdad, que intento recordar siempre que me siento insatisfecha con lo que tengo (que es a menudo, la verdad...)

  7. Congratulations afterwards! Your five things about you I like it a lot. It's nice to know you closer. But no, 37 is not old. I'm 38 and this year I have to do much. :)

  8. Happy belated birthday!!! Love learning more about you...

  9. Happy belated birthday! I turned 44 on Monday, so you are still a young thing in my book :-)

  10. Happy belated birthday ... I will send you some Polish wind to keep the grey clouds away !

  11. Oh Happy belated birthday, dear ibb! Thank you for sharing more about you. Your feelings and thoughts sound very familiar for me too. All the best for you and hope you your camera will convince you to use it again


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