
Corner view:a room with a view

Corner view: Room with a view.
Always reminds me Venice.
I only has been there once. It was in my twenties in a hot summer day. Streets were full of people and we decided to look for the church that appears in Indiana Jones´ film. That one after the scene with rats. Hmmm. We got lost twice, or more...so we decided to abandom and just discover the other, no so crowed, Venice. I think it was one of the best ways to discover the city. I came across a little shop with leather masks. I paid a fortune for one that reminds me the idea of discovering, more than travelling.

Venetzia dakarkit gogora. Nola pasa izan genun egun bat orain hainbeste denbora, udarako egun bero bat. Hiria jendez gainezka zegoen eta ia ezin zinen ibili. Indiana Jonesen filman agertzen den elizaren bila ibiltzea otu zitzaion taldeko bati. Orduak eman genituen galduak...baina benetan ikusi izan genun amaitzen ziren kaleen Venetzia, plaza txikien hiria eta beste mundu bateko artisau tailerren mundua. Hor konturatu nintzen batzutan deskubritzea, bidaiatzea baino garrantzitzuagoa dela.

Siempre me viene Venecia a la cabeza. Cómo pasé un caluroso día de agosto perdida entre las hordas de turistas que abarrotaban la ciudad. A uno del grupo se le ocurrió que quería buscar la iglesia que aparece en Indiana Jones, aquella plaza a la que salen después de la escena con millones de ratas...así que terminamos pasando horas perdidos entre calles sin salida, callejones infinitos y estrechos, ropa colgada, plazas pequeñas que escondían talleres maravillosos de papeles, plumas y máscaras de cuero. Tal vez allí me dí cuenta del valor de descubrir, por encima del de viajar.

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8 comentarios:

  1. Venice its somenthing unique in the world... not in August, though!

  2. dear ibb, goodmorning!
    no photos make us imagine
    take care
    enjoy your 38th year of life!
    all the best,


  3. Oh, Venice - right now, my favorite place in Italy (again), after Tuscany of course!

  4. ha ha ha...
    yes, i sort of can imagine.
    i would LOVE to visit venice.
    maybe. one day.

  5. I can imagine Venice... It's a beautiful view :)

  6. Sounds like a beautiful place. The way you described it- you painted a picture in my mind. :D xo

  7. Don't know how I missed your post, but a room with a view I agree always reminds me of Italy.

  8. dear Ibb,
    i just got your precious letter
    thank you very much, i 'll write more soon

    all the best,


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