
Leather and wool

I have managed to work a bit with leather. I work so slowly that thinks seem not to become in what I draw or thought. But I have started and that´s the more important.
Denbora apur bat lortu dut larruarekin berriro hasteko. Hain nihoa poliki, lanek ez dutela formarik hartzen. Baina gutxienez hasi egin naiz.
He conseguido robar algo de tiempo y retomar mis trabajos con cuero. Voy tan lenta que apenas se aprecian los avances. Pero por lo menos he empezado.

I am experimenting, with leather and wool. Crocheting in round, thinking in necklaces with leather, ceramics and wool....
Larrua eta lana nahasten hasi naiz. Borobilean, zeramika, larrua eta lana...
He empezado a mezclar cuero con lana. Tejiendo en redondo, pensando en collares de lana, con cuero, y piezas de cerámica....

4 comentarios:

  1. I can't wait to see the finish piece. I love my leather piece you made for me. :) xo

  2. leather and crochet, it sounds good ... enjoy these creative moments !

  3. What an unusual and cool combination! I'm sure the finished product will be fabulous!


Thanks for coming in
Mila esker etortzeagatik
Gracias por pasar