
Corner view: favourite fiction

Have you ever fall in love with a bad boy?
Inoiz mutil gaiztoaz maitemindu al zera?
Alguna vez os habéis enamorado del chico malo?

I find a laconic sea captain with a golden heart, in Venice. He stole my heart and my soul.
Itsas kapitain lakonikoa topatu nuen Veneziako taberna batean. Bihotza ostu zidan eta nire arimaren zati batekin geratu zan.
Encontré a un capital de barco lacónico pero de corazón de oro en una taberna de un callejón de Venecia. Me robó el corazón y se quedo con una parte de mi alma.

Maybe I continue looking for something of him in every men.
Agian berak duen hori bilatzen jarraitzen dut, besteetan.
Tal vez siga buscando algo de él en los demás.

CORTO MALTESE Theatrical Trailer from Matteo Ferreccio on Vimeo.

35 comentarios:

  1. answer to your question : YES!
    but it never was corto, no.
    still. intriguing enough, and totally understandable, your love....

  2. El chico malo is always the best one ... until he breaks your heart ;-)
    But Corto Maltese, his jacket, his hair... Probably the sexiest character in comics!
    Have a nice day

  3. i did not fall on such bad boy that i have to look in Venice, not even here in holland....sigh...may be i should go and look for a bad boy...!

  4. Yes very romantic! Don't know this one - will have to have a look for it!

  5. No bad boys for me, thank you. :)

  6. Fortunately, no italian bad boys for me either!

  7. There's a Corto Maltese exposition in Paris. Why won't you come and meet him? Have a nice evening!

  8. Hm, well, there's always something fascinating in bad boys...but meanwhile I'd prefer a mr. nice guy! ;o)
    How comes I never heard of Corto Maltese before? What a pity! He's so smart! Ähm...what did I say about bad guys?! ;o))

  9. i love Corto Maltese, i read them all, i haven't see the movie
    have a great day

  10. I'll have to look into this Corto Maltese


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