
Corner view: By the sea

Sometimes I feel the need of seing the sea. I have it just about 70 Km far from home.
Batzutan itsaso mina sentitzen diat. Etxetik 70 Km-tara dago.
A veces siento la necesidad de ver el mar. Está a unos 70 Km de casa.

Love to sit and see, and hear and feel it. It relax me.
Maite diat eseri, ikusi, entzun eta itsasoa sentitzea. Erlaxatzen nau.
Adoro sentarme, mirar, oir y sentir el mar. Me relaja.

I sailed when I was a child. The littler boat with sail. Optimist class. Then I have sailed twice or so, near Bilbao coast. I love the freedom it gives. Need to scape a bit...need to try it again.
Txikia nintzanean optimist motako txalupa gidatzen ikasi nun. Eta gerora pare bat bider edo nabigatzera irten naiz Bilboko kosta inguruan. Maite diat ematen duen askasun sentimendua. Ihes egin behar nuke...berriro saiatu behar nuke.
Cuando era una cría navegué en los barcos de clase Optimist. Los más pequeños cascarones con vela que hay. A posteriori he navegado un par de veces cerca de la costa de Bilbao. Es una sensación de libertad enorme. Creo que necesito volver a probarlo....

Photos were taken in San Sebastian, in a sailing shop. 

21 comentarios:

  1. a mi tambien me encanta sentarme, oir y mirar el mar. nunca he vivido cerca del mar pero siempre cerca de los lagos y rios, y aquí echo de menos el agua - pues hay el río guadalquivir pero..

  2. That's beautiful! Every summer, we spend our holidays on the french side of the Basque Country and we always go to San Sebastian. It's so near and so different! Have a nice day!

  3. Yes it relaxes me too. 70 km isn't to bad, but still maybe to far to go there regularly.. Happy CV!

  4. oh... sailing....
    it scares me. i think i've seen too many scary movies on sailing and the wild, wild sea... ha ha ha....

  5. I only went for sailing once during my school time and I loved it! But Im nearly 300km away from the next coast, so I just dream of the sea most of the time! ;o)

  6. creo que me deprimiré si pienso en lo lejos que está el mar de mi actual casa...yo también viajé mucho por mar cuando era pequeña...

  7. Sailing must be very nice - to be able to see the land emerse from the water, surrounded by quiet waves. Hope you can try it again soon.

  8. Yes, sailing is freeing... on the water or in the mind.

  9. i also love the sea. very very much <3

  10. Buena "terapia" y mejor plan. Ya sabes! a por ello. Un azulado saludo, Ibb.

  11. lucky you that you live so close. I am about a 4 hour drive. Not exactly close, but we try to get there as much as possible.

  12. what a relaxing cv....with some nice sailing boats!! i love the sea too, i used to live nearby....but luckely my family still lives there!!

  13. Lovely recollections! Today is a perfect wind and blue sky, I will imagine your sailboats gliding by!

  14. I like the sea and sometimes I have the same feeling... but not for boats (I'm sick on a boat)... I only like to watch them ;)
    Nice photos
    have a nice day

  15. Great post! I grew up in fishertown... the beach was my playground, so I love ocean! I can't wait to go back there...

  16. sea or lake, water!
    i´m almost surrounded by water, both sea and lakes- but i´m not much of a sailor. love to row, though. hope you have that opportunity soon!

  17. Merece la pena recorrer esos kilómetros para poder perder la mirada en el mar.Yo también lo necesito. Mirar la mar me hace sentir pequeña e insignificante, una lección de humildad.
    Si solías navegar, entiendo que lo eches de menos.
    Un abrazo y feliz finde.

  18. 70 km? qué suerte! yo lo tengo más lejos y lo extraño tanto!

    navegar suena perfecto, me invitas?

  19. I know the feeling. There is nothing like the smell of the ocean when you know you are getting close.

  20. I wish the sea would be so close. I feel a deep connection and yearning for it too. Hope you can enjoy it very often


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