
Sunday wandering


to wander
de caminar

look through other eyes
beste begi batzukin begiratzeko
para mirar a través de otros ojos

discover in the sky
zeruan aurkitzeko
para descubrir en el cielo

strange images
irudien ispilua
el reflejo de otros mundos



Cycling. Resting. Cooffing.
Bizikletan. Arnasa hartzen. Kafeakin.
En bici. Respirando. Con café.


Home deco




My computer don´t let me enter new posts. Just must borrow another one. And not always is posible. Hate this internet magical problems.



Cheese. There are so many kinds of cheese at home now. Mozzarela for tomatoe salad. Mix for pasta. And those for sandwiches. Ah! And Philadelpia for breakfast and cheese cake making.
Gazta. Etxean gazta mota asko daude. Mozzarela tomate ensaladarako. Pastarako nahazketa. Eta sandwichetan erabiltzen den horietakoa. Ah! Eta Philadelphia gozaltzeko eta gazta tarta egiteko.
Queso. Hay bastantes tipos de queso en casa. Mozzarela para la ensalada de tomate. Mix para la pasta. Ese que se usa en los sandwiches. Ah! Y Philadelphia para el desayuno y hacer tartas de queso.

But my favourite one is Idiazabal. The smoke smell, that quite strong taste...with a good wine.
Baina gustokoena, Idiazabal gazta da. Bere usaia, sapore nahiko gogorra...ardo on batekin.
Pero el que más me gusta es el Idiazabal. Con su toque ahumado, su sabor característico...con un buen vino.

I am having problems with the blog. So I am not sure about when I will write again...sorry



Colour / Kolorea / Color

Party / Festa / Fiesta

Street / Kalea / Calle

White / Zuri / Blanca

Cubanito (Ron&Coffee&Cream) sitting on the street


Grey days

Fog glued to flowers.
Behelainoa loreetan arrapatua.
La niebla atrapada en las flores.


Hunting. Playing with little big details.
Ehizean. Detaile haundi txikiekin jolasean.
Cazando. Jugando con detalles insignificantemente enormes.

Walking on a stone path.
Harrizko bidean.
Caminando por caminos de piedra.

Weeding weekend

Love the first shot. Was a bit involuntary, she, walking in this father´s arms...
Gustoko diat lehenengo argazkia. Pixkat berezia izan zuen, bera aitaren besotik ibiltzen...
Me gusta la primera foto. Fue un poco involuntaria, ella, caminando del brazo de su padre...



Aramaio. Ibabe




Today start city feast.
Gaur Gasteizko jaiak hasten dira.
Hoy empiezan las fiestas de la ciudad.

Six days of working morning, maybe music playing afternoons and late hour nights.
Sei egun non goizez lan egin behar, agian arratsaldez jotzen dudan eta gauean berandurarte geratzen naizen.
Seis días de trabajo por las mañanas, igual tocar por las tardes y llegar tarde a las noches.

I will try to continue with the photo taking project. So probably some photos will be taken in my little trips in the office. Like this one. And old office cupboard, I will love to take home and restore...but if disappears I think someone will notice...
Argazkiak ateratzen saiatuko naiz. Horregatik argazkiren batzuk oficinatik eginiko ibilaldi klandestinoetatik aterako dira. Kaxoizko mueble hau bezala. Etxera eraman eta berriztatzen badut, norbaitek faltan botako ote du?
Trataré de seguir sacando fotos. Probablemente algunas saldran de mis escapadas clandestinas por la ofician. Como esta cajonera antigua. Me encantaría llevarmela a casa para restaurar, pero creo que alguien notaría que falta.


And this one...what is this one?
Eta azken hau...zer da?
Y esta última...qué es?


Bread and wine

BREAD: Lately I have tried to, first buy at farmer´s market and then made, homemade bread. I love old wooden oven bread. It lasts more, and has something more natural in its taste.
I have tried following Ivan Yarza´s lessons....but I have no luck, maybe should I try more in autumn or any ideas or links to find more clues for a great homemade bread?

WINE: The first time I remember I take contact with wine world was when I was 18. A friend of mine was from Villabuena (a little wine village in La Rioja Alavesa). We were invited to lunch and visit her parents winery. It was one of those old and tradicional winery, with little family production. After that first visit, I have visited more wineries, modern ones, traditional ones  or little and familiar ones.

I like wine, I confess. And I have a little space at kitchen to keep bottles. White for fish, vergies and pasta plates. Red for meat and winter plates. And old red for desserts.
And you?


Haruki Murakami

Es que, cuando te disparan, sangras.

There was a summer song some years ago that said "Japan, is far away, Japan". Maybe being so far away, so inaccesible, that makes that country so fascinating for me.

Years ago I bought some calligraphy...that sentiment made art. And thought, sometime they will hang at my home...and now they are so closed to me. Summer and Winter in the same room.

And easy way of travelling and knowing a country is reading. With who one can start? Is not easy to find japanese translated authors...and I usually star following links...with letter books, with books of writers named in letters, with books recomended by nearly unknowns in italian dinners...
Lately Murakami is near me. Exploring the complex word of human being, calling me at 3 o´clock in the morning asking me the difference between symbol and sign.

Reminding me that my home shoes has something to be with tatami and that this little geisha a friend gave me so much time ago is smiling at me.
And I will write a phrase with fire on my skin: when you are shoot, you bleed.