

Cheese. There are so many kinds of cheese at home now. Mozzarela for tomatoe salad. Mix for pasta. And those for sandwiches. Ah! And Philadelpia for breakfast and cheese cake making.
Gazta. Etxean gazta mota asko daude. Mozzarela tomate ensaladarako. Pastarako nahazketa. Eta sandwichetan erabiltzen den horietakoa. Ah! Eta Philadelphia gozaltzeko eta gazta tarta egiteko.
Queso. Hay bastantes tipos de queso en casa. Mozzarela para la ensalada de tomate. Mix para la pasta. Ese que se usa en los sandwiches. Ah! Y Philadelphia para el desayuno y hacer tartas de queso.

But my favourite one is Idiazabal. The smoke smell, that quite strong taste...with a good wine.
Baina gustokoena, Idiazabal gazta da. Bere usaia, sapore nahiko gogorra...ardo on batekin.
Pero el que más me gusta es el Idiazabal. Con su toque ahumado, su sabor característico...con un buen vino.

I am having problems with the blog. So I am not sure about when I will write again...sorry

16 comentarios:

  1. i miss spanish cheese! I am really eating a lot of it now that we are here :) I love idiazabal too but roncal cheese is my favorite. Hope your blog problems are soon resolved!

  2. Some people say we have three hundred cheeses in France... But I don't know nothing about Idiazabal... and I'm curious... Yum!

  3. I hugged the big one... and I'm strong now!!! I send you the strength...

  4. Mozzarella? Philadelphia?? We want to know about your local cheeses:)! Idiazabal sounds delicious. I love sheep and goat cheese. WIth good wine, of course:)

  5. oh yes!!! cheese with bread and wine: does it get any better than that?

  6. grasp the chance to travel a bit, as you said. When you feel better, there won't be any problems with your blog, we'll be waiting for you. May it be a short time, it's a short life, Ibb

  7. dear Ibb, we've known each other for quite some time now, you have an amazing way of seeing things and relating to things and, i bet your laughter is loud and clear. Don't be sorry, just get out of there


    ps. the same goes for me, in case it sounds too intruding

  8. Que bueno el Idiazabal con vinito! a mi también me gustan los quesos y el vino! De hecho nos llaman las hermanas Cheesse, ya te imaginarás lo que es vernos a las cuatro a la vez con una tabla de quesos variados! una locura! ¿que problemas tienes con el blog? cuidate

  9. hmm looks delicious. I love cheese too

  10. h yum... cheese with crusty bread sounds good to me right now!

  11. life without cheese would be very bleak, wouldn't it?

    hope that you get all the problems worked out with your blog. it can be so frustrating! sending good wishes and saying a prayer to the goddess of blogs.

  12. I love cheese, and still haven't tried one I didn't like :) Hope you will be back soon, I miss your wise and thoughtful words :)

  13. Now I'm going to say something that will make you jealous: my husband is studying to become a dairy worker! He has spent the whole summer practising in a dairy and he has brought so much cheese home, that I'm getting fatter and fatter all the time! I absolutely LOVE cheese! :D

  14. Cheese was what I miss the most when we were in India (but there I tested the yak cheese !!). I love them ALL !!!

  15. Me encantam los quesos con un toque ahumado;)

  16. Hacía mucho que no venía "por tu casa", qué tal todo? Comparto contigo lo del Idiazabal, en casa nunca falta, somos muy ratones nosotros...


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