
No word day

11 comentarios:

  1. Gero eta gehiago gustatzen jat zure bloga, argazkiak oso onak. Ze kamara erabiltzen dozu?. Mosuak

  2. I'm not sure I understand the quote. But I hope there won't be any clouds tomorrow, with or without silver lining:)

  3. ohh that print is lovely!

  4. take care, good spirits will come


  5. aaaaaaaaaaaah, that's the one i was planning on getting back then (when I ended up getting the lemons one) but they didn't have the dotted version one I wanted. ha! great minds think alike. is it from keep calm gallery? ;)

  6. :) reminds me of the "keep calm carry on" print...

  7. I thought it was. I nearly got this at the time but I really wanted the old version: silver dots on black, which was sold-out at the time. so, lemonade it was, there we are, litres and litres of it.
    Oh yeah, I also got one of the "eye-test-style" ones, as a pressie.

    this one's lovely, though.

  8. Pretty globe and that shining shade of blue.
    I used too many words today, just chatting with my daughter but laughing too.
    A smile to you:)


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