
Corner view: repurposed

An old copper washbowl....
Aintzinako kobrezko eskuak garbitzekoa....
Una palangana de cobre antigua....

In a decoration part of my mother´s, thanks to wooden legs made by my uncle.
Amaren etxearako dekorazio ale moduan, osabak egindako egurrezko hankei esker.
A una pieza de decoración en casa de mi madre, gracias a los pies de madera hechos por mi tío.

No imagination today. Sorry. Try better in other windows.

18 comentarios:

  1. beautiful!
    We also have a washbowl and use it for flowting candles

  2. I imagine it as a beautiful peacock--
    Those wonderful feathers from the sturdy legs...
    and patina of colors:)

    You'd like Japan--- hope you'll come one day!!

  3. I have the word "majestic" in my mind !

  4. this is a beautiful and memorable piece.xo

  5. Please don't apologize - this is a beautiful use of repurposing something... it's gorgeous!

  6. Why not ?!! Have a great week ; )

  7. I really like how your whole family got to work on this one. I personally love copper, I have two copper pans I use for cooking, and a copper bowl that I use to put flower pots inside (similar to yours).

  8. I have never seen one of these before! Perfect!

  9. oh, now you reminded me of my mother :)
    she had copper and made beautiful things like that too! thank you very much ibb!
    have a nice week!

  10. Yo lo veo bien, no se porque comentas que no tienes inspiration... tiene gracia, tanta utilización, la alfombra, las patas, la palangana y luego el florero! más repurposed imposible!

  11. hello darling!!!aspaldiko???zelan siberia gazteiz aldetik????eharra elurtia eh???
    Ba ...eztao sorpresatxoaik...lasai...espero laister heltzea momentu hori baña oraindik ez...abixatuko...bueno , baña sorpresatxo txikitxo bat bai...ezkondu iten gea...maiatzan...jejeje...


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Mila esker etortzeagatik
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