
Corner view: stranger

There is something in that word that always reminds me the song by Frank Sinatra: Strangers in the night.  I took my camera and went out to find my strangers. It is quite difficult when you live in a little town. So I went with the dog to our evening walk, to catch those strangers exchanging glances.

Hitz hori entzuten dudanean beti etortzen zait Frank Sinatraren Strangers in the night. Beraz kamara atera eta nire ezezagun horiek arrapatzera irten nintzen. Nahiko zaila izaten ohi da, herri txiki batean eta auzo txiki batean bizitzen zarenean. Beraz txakurra hartu eta gaueko ibilbidean, ezezagunak arrapatzera irten gara.

Cada vez que oigo esa palabra en inglés, siempre me viene a la mente la canción de Frank Sinatra, Strangers in the night. ASí que he cogido la cámara y he salido a buscar a mis desconocidos por el barrio. La verdad es que no ha sido fácil, puesto que vivo en una ciudad pequeña y un barrio donde todos nos conocemos. Así que en el paseo nocturno con mi perro he salido a cazar esas miradas que se intercambian.

Do you have any word of those that when you hear it you in the moment you can hear a song?

Baduzue hitzik, horiek entzun eta une hortan abezti bat entzuten duzuen horietakoa?

¿Tenéis alguna de esas palabras que cada vez que la ois se asocia rápidamente con una canción?

15 comentarios:

  1. Good idea to take pictures of real strangers!
    Maybe the "help" makes me think of the Beatles song...

    1. That´s another one...and Stop! in the name of love....
      Hahahaha....I love how our mind plays with us

  2. i was thinking of frank too, but i didn't...it's nice to see him coming back here!!
    with the brownis color of the photo's those strangers have something mystics around them...!

    1. That´s was the exact effect I was looking for...something mysticis...like finding a stranger in the middle of the night...Frank....

  3. Rather romantic photos - the words add a little "romance" too!

  4. Especially the first pic is so great. I would like to knoe her live story.

    1. Me too...sometimes I guess...I imagine how was her life...

  5. wow! theses are so great. did you have fun? :)

  6. I love these, and how you are making stories and an exquisite mood with your photos.

    Wonderful that you could make a collaboration with Frank!!


Thanks for coming in
Mila esker etortzeagatik
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