Wardrobe. Full wardrobe. I try not to collect clothes. Just try to clean the wardrobe in each season. If last year I didn´t wear something, I donate, or give it up. I try to have the wardrobe not too full. I have a little home. I have my winter clothes on the left and my summer ones on right. Colours are a bit clear, dark in winter and a bit more colour in summer.
Armairua. Beterik dagoen armairua. Erropa gehiegi ez edukitzen saiatzen naiz. Pasatako urtean jantzi ez ditudanak, eman edo parrokira eramaten ditut. Horrela daukadan leku gutxia probetzatuz. Etxeak ez du gehiegi laguntzen. Neguko erropa ezkerretan eta eskubian udakoa. Loreak argi daude, neguan ilunak eta udan argiakoak direnak.
El armario. El armario lleno. Trato de no tener demasiadas cosas. Justo antes de cada temporada intento hacer limpieza. Lo que no me he puesto el año anterior, lo dono o lo tiro. Intento mantener el armario no demasiado lleno. Es lo que tiene andar justo de tiempo. Por otro lado queda claro que la ropa de invierno está en la izquierda y la de verano en la derecha. La oscura para el invierno y la clara para el verano.
How do yo organize your wardrobe?
Nola moldatzen zarete zuek?
¿Cómo os las arregláis vosotros?
Oh, I spotted in the middle of your wardrobe a black and white great long wool jacket .... I love it!
ResponderEliminarI love it too....I bought last year on sales..I waited and waited...and finally bought half price is moair...so sweet....
EliminarI am trying to be better about cleaning mine out as well. I still have many different sizes though... wishful thinking on my part regarding the smaller sizes!
ResponderEliminarI usually need days to put on it...but when start...I don´t think it twice...I am becoming more practic with years.
EliminarLike you do, I try to have my wardrobe not too full... Have a nice day...
ResponderEliminarThanks...enjoy the day!
Eliminari need to learn from you: i too have a small house, but i tend to keep clothes forever!
ResponderEliminarAnd now you can wear your son´s...it a great moment to clean...give up...but never those great jackets, and things you do...or maybe to friends...to give them a second life...
EliminarImagina con dos armarios! Yo en estos momentos tengo un desastre montado... Tengo que encontrar un buen sistema para no tener que ir con una maleta a cuestas todo el tiempo.
ResponderEliminarSistema de básicos...básicos en dos armarios...y luego complementos que viajen contigo...ajaja...ya me imagino el lío...yo hago trampas y algunas cosas de fuera de temporada se las dejo a ama después de que las lave, como solo las amas saben ;)
ResponderEliminarI have not so much clothing. Too much is not good. I want individual pieces that I can wear longer. but I also do not need so many, because then I have a problem to decide.
ResponderEliminarIs it so much? Ups...I thought I have normal amount....I try to buy or make good pieces...and wear them long too.
EliminarI think I don´t have so much clothes, but I´m not sure. I rarely buy new ones, but I love flea markets.
ResponderEliminarHere flea markets are not so good...and real nice second hand clothes are quite expensive.