
Corner view: Make up

I am not make up girl. I am lazy and natural.
I love those natural makes up, that really show the better of you. But not very well on making up, so just use a bit of colour on feet nails, a bit of colour on eyes and a bit of colour on my lips. Would love to be brave enough to wear those dramatic reds or have time and hability to make with hair something more that put in its place. Any make up artist what would love to come each morning my home?
Ez naiz margotzen. Naturala naiz.
Gustoko ditut natural lagatzen zaituzten produktu horiek, non ez duen ematen ezer daramazula eta zure alderik onena ateratzen dutenak. Baina ez naiz ona horretan beraz atzazkalak apur bat margotu, begietan kolore apur bat eta espainetan disdira besterik ez dut erabiltzen. Zeozer erabiltzen dudan gutxitan. Gustatuko litzaidake gorri dramatiko hori ezpainetan janzteko balentia izatea, edo hileak beti ondo eramateko denbora izatea. Ba al dago egunero goizean etxera apaintzera etortzeko gogorik duen boluntariorik?
No me suelo maquillar. Voy siempre muy natural y además soy un poco vaga para esto.
Me gustan los maquillajes naturales, esos que parece que no llevas nada y que resaltan lo mejor de tí. Pero no tengo habilidad, ni tiempo, y suelo a lo sumo pintarme de colores las uñas de los pies, un poco de color en los ojos y algún tono suave en los labios. Me encantaría tener el valor de animarme a pintarme con esos rojos de labios dramáticos y tener la habilidad y el tiempo para peinarme un poco y no simplemente colocar los pelos en su sitio. Algún voluntario que quiera dejarme como una diva todas las mañanas?

18 comentarios:

  1. Beautiful make up... but lazy and natural... seems perfect to me!!! Have a nice day.

  2. must be nice that a make-up artist comes to your house to help you out every day...than i will consider wearing make up too!

  3. These are great make-up variations on the pictures. Very beautiful. I am also the natural type. Nail polish on the toenails, sometimes mascara. And that's all. I wish I was also brave, and know how to make-up put on.

    1. I am thinking on buying a red lipstick...with black clothes and grey hair...dramatic, gothic mood ;)

  4. I would like a make up artist and hair stylist to appear at my house each morning! After, my hot (and imaginary) personal trainer, of course!

    1. That about of the personal trainer sound great...that would motive me a lot

  5. Makeup can change a person. I would like to know the technique .... for me, mascara is my best friend and that's it.

    1. I know, when I was maked up...some proffesional made it...it really changes...

  6. I don't think I would have the patience to have to put on a full make-up every day :)

  7. i thought i was going to see that red lipstick you suggested! :)
    i live in the country, so make up is sort of silly among cabbages, but i do always wear an eyeliner - it's my "green thumb" :)

  8. I am not very good at doing make-up, but I love when I see someone who is!

    1. Me too..is a kind of envy looking her and seing how she is able to take that better face

  9. I 'm with you on the hair. I'm growing mine out and will soon want to tear it out! I would love to feel comfortable in dramatic make-up---not necessarily for every day, but just once in awhile. I wouldn't know how to do it!

  10. Bueno, yo lo veo más como un juego. Si te apetece, genial y si no, genial también. Pero te tiene que apetecer y divertir, porque sino te puedes convertir en esclava de los potingues.


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