
Corner view: good memories

When something stresses me, or when I feel a bit depressed or things seems not to go ok...I go back in memory. I remember my days in the mountains, where the huge mountains makes you feel little and all the problems seems to be smaller. Where the sound of a waterfall silence the sound of bad words. Where old doors hide new surprises and where life is something we can see grow.
I have quite a brunch of good memory refuges....and you?
Gauzak gaizki dihoazenean eta egun txarra dudanean, edo kilin kolo sentitzean....atzera joaten naiz denboran. Mendian pasatako egunak gogoratzen ditut. Non mendien haunditasunak dena txikitzen duen, non urjauzien zaratak beste dana ixiltzen duten. Non ate zaharren atzean sorpresa berriak ager daitezkeen eta non bizitza haunditasunez hazten ikus daitekeen.
Hay días en los que no salen las cosas, cuando uno se siente depre y no encuentra las fuerzas para nada....en esos casos me gusta ir para atrás en la memoria. Recordar los días en las montañas, donde su inmensidad empequeñece cualquier problema, donde el rugido de la cascada acalla cualquier mal pensamiendo. Donde detrás de una puerta vieja se esconde una nueva sorpresa y donde la vida se siente crecer.

16 comentarios:

  1. That's a great perspective. I do too, and I do this too, it works!

  2. Wow, this is the first time I've heard of a memory refuge and the more I think about it the more it makes sense to me. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Agree with you, this is a good way :)

  4. i can live with the thoughts our problems seem so much smaller when staring up a mountain. i must remember that, next when i feel a little down... n♥

    1. I have this photos in dropbox to "use" them when I need ;)

  5. These are wonderful memories. I feel to go out into nature, though it may not go as well as very helpful. Here I can remember, or turn off the thoughts.

    The scenery on your pics is wonderful.

  6. Mountains are so good ... like your perspective and the photos :)

  7. Beautiful photos and your thoughts on memory refuge. I do that, too :-)

  8. Me ha gustado mucho eso de que la vida se sinte crecer. Es verdad, en la naturaleza todo se siente. Tengo una necesidad vital de sentirlo, la ciudad me ha comido y ver estas fotos me dan ganas de correr a alguna montaña. Ains...

  9. i'm a sea person, but i do feel the same way when i'm in the mountains.

  10. Gorgeous shots!

    I have found that I am not so good at going back in time, but I do create a refuge in the present - by "escaping" to nature as often as I can.


  11. Memories like refuges... lovely idea.

  12. ahhh the mountains ... I miss them these days. Fortunately in July I will visit them !

  13. I love to spend some time in the mountains too. Unfortunately I have to drive about four hours to reach the Alps.

  14. I am lucky. I live/love the mountains in Bidarray. EVERYTIME I hang laundry I take a deep breath and tahnk God.


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