This weekend I visited the farmer market. A little pleasure to go shopping first vergies, handmade bread and some fresh flowers.
Astebukaeran merkatura hurbildu naiz. Gustoko dut merkatuko giroa, zeozer freskoa eta garaikoa erosi, eskuz eginiko ogiaren usaia eta lore batzuk.
El fin de semana me acerqué al mercado. Me encanta pasearme por los puestos, comprar de temporada, el olor de pan recien hecho y traerme para casa unas flores frescas.
Cooking something slowly.
Lasai bazkaria prestatzen.
Cocinar lentamente.
And I took a time to return to the childhood, when my grandmother used to have peas to peel. We used to sat in a small chair, and as we were hearing her speaking we were working. I took me quite long to peel all, but after, I was something like relax. Could be peeling peas the new yoga?
Aurtzarora itzuli nintzen iderrak desgranatzen nituela. Amamaren etxean, denak hortuko idarrak garbitzen, berak zeozer kontatzen zigun bitartean.
Compré guisantes. Enteros. Hacía tiempo que no me sentaba a desgranarlos. Esos recuerdos de infancia en casa de mi abuela, cuando de la huerta subían kilos de guisantes que había de desgranar para guardar. Sentados cerca de ella, mientras hablaba y nosotros jugabamos con los mayores. Me llevó un rato, pero no sé, terminé relajada. Será desgranar guisantes el nuevo yoga?
Anything done mindlfully can be relaxing and meditative, which is no small thing!
ResponderEliminarThat generation was smarter than ours in many ways:) thank you for the great theme!
ResponderEliminarI love farmers' markets. You should open your own yoga club, the Zen of Peeling Peas :-)
ResponderEliminarThe New Yoga is determined relaxing enter than the old one for me. That's a good idea.:)
ResponderEliminarWhat a sweet memory of your grandmother! It is the small things that count!
ResponderEliminarIndeed preparing vegetables for a wonderful slowly cooked meal is very meditative. Great photos!
ResponderEliminarIrakurtzen ez dakizu ze pakea sentitzen dudan sentsazio guzti hoien artean. Ze polita
ResponderEliminarI like this kind of yoga ;) and your small things... peas for peace?
ResponderEliminarwhat a perfect way to relax. just reading this post is calming.
ResponderEliminarIsn't that interesting how it's the little things we slow down for help us relax the most.
oh, let it be just that; "the new yoga", what an interesting way to look at it!! good fond memories too, but i'm running ahead a bit, because that seems to be next week's cv! enjoy the peas / mangetout! n♥
ResponderEliminarmmm yes peeling peas ... and then eating them :)
ResponderEliminarI do have those very same memrues, nice thoughts! Xxx