
Corner view: something to celebrate

I am reading a book tittled "Something to celebrate", Simple Guide to Enrich Your Life with Beautiful Traditions. It is interesting to discover different traditions that one can make ones, to make everyday special. I am afraid that it is not in english, but I leave you the link.
Algo que celebrar liburua irakurtzen ari naiz. Munduko tradizioak exploratzen ditu eta nola egunerokotasunean berezitasuna bila daitekeen tradizio txikiak jarraituz. Maite diat nola udaberria ospa arazten digun, egin behar txikiekin. Autorearen linka usten dizuet.
Estoy leyendo un libro de Lola Mayenco sobre "Algo que celebrar" donde nos introduce en las diversas tradiciones del mundo desde un punto de vista práctico. Dándonos pequeños trucos para incorporar al día a día pequeños gestos que conviertan un día común en un día especial donde tengamos algo que celebrar. Lola Mayenco.

And another thing to celebrate....my birthday, tomorrow. 39 years...wow....
Eta beste gauza bat ospatzeko...nire urtebetetzea, bihar. 39 urte...wow....
Y otra cosa que celebrar....mi cumpleaños, mañana. 39 años....wow....

15 comentarios:

  1. Now I have to learn Spanish ;) Have a nice celebraton day!!! with this interesting topic!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful book! Happy Happy Birthday!

  3. Thanks for a really fun topic...and Happy Birthday!

  4. your birthday is most definitely something to celebrate!
    what did you learn from the book?

    1. For example, to life a bit according to nature rhym although being in the city, to take little moments during the day to enjoy little pleasures, and that I must take a time to read, just to finish it ;)

  5. I can not congratulate, because it brings bad luck. But I wish you be lucky, and so I think tomorrow on you.

    Make everyday life richer, I like that. That should actually every day.

  6. Happy birthday! I love books like this, they can change us.

  7. Happy birthday! We're practically twins - mine's next week. And, well, I'll be 46. Ouch!

  8. Happy birthday!! Sounds like a great book. Loved your theme today. That you may have lots of things worth celebrating this year!

    Ps i t

  9. (Your link on Francisca's page is being hijacked somehow, probably good to look in to it..:( )

  10. Felicidades atrasadas!!! 39! Pues eres una chiquilla, yo te gano, 41!

    Me encanta la filosofía del libro, es verdad, hay que buscar pequeñas cosas en el día a día que te hagan feliz porque chica, la vida cada vez es más complicada o por lo menos para mi. Ahora mismo, voy a celebrar que me queda menos de una hora para irme a casa y empezar mi trabajo no remunerado como madre de 3 loquitis ;-) Besos guapa, y gracias por pasarte por mi abandonado blog que espero retomar pronto!

  11. Hey, I am late to wish you a Happy Birthday !! I hope you had great time.

  12. Feliz cumpleaños (con mucho retraso)!!
    espero que hayas pasado un día maravilloso y que muchos cosas buenas vengan para tí!

    abrazos con cariño

  13. Happy Birthday Ibabe!! Sorry I am late! Oh, yes April!!!
    Hope you had a beautiful celebration,Lots of love to you and wishing you a beautiful year with lots of moments to celebrate (the one right now !). Yumm the cake looks great too, can I try a bite, cheers and hugs, campaii!♡


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