
I bought some dry flowers and a bit of lavander last week. Crochet a bit to make those yogurt bottles more atractive and set them together with my travel stones. I don´t know where are them from, but they made a little path. The table cloth is from Finland, love the simple patterns and the autumn colours.
 Pasatako astean lore zikuak erosi nituen Gasteizko Erdi Aroko asokan. Zeozer simplea behar nuen hauek jartzeko beraz, yogur boteila pare bat hartu eta gantxilozko jantzia egin nien. Harriak bidaietakoak dira, ez dakit zihur nongoak, baina bidea egiten dute gutxika gutxika.
La semana pasada hubo mercado medieval en la ciudad y de todos los puestos básicamente me compré unas flores secas rojas y chocolate. Buscando un jarrón sencillo para ellas aproveché un par de botellas de yogurt viejas. Me gustan las piedras que voy cogiendo en cada vieja. No sé de donde es cada una, pero van haciendo un camino.

I am working with leather a bit more. This little keychain is for my brother. But if you like them, write and we could manage some more designs for cards, with wooden balls...there is no limit to imagination.
Larruzko giltzataria anaiarentzat da. Gustoko izan eskero, idatzi eta diseinu bereziaz hitzegin dezakegu, eta egurrezko bolatxoekin...ez dago irudimenarentzat limiterik.
El llavero de cuero es para mi hermano. Estoy trabajando en cositas nuevas para la tienda. Si te gusta y quieres algo parecido. Escríbeme. Podemos diseñar una cosa sencillita y única.

5 comentarios:

  1. Very well done, that really looks wonderful, I like the combination of bright colors with the grey tones and your stone collection is as well very nice! Have a nice sunday!

  2. I love how you add colour to your life with the crocheting accents, great idea and it really feels so alive and the things feel so loved the way you warm a bottle with your wonderful knits and color sense!! I love the pink of course!!
    Happy creative days, lots of ♡!、

    1. Thank you a lot for your comments on Amorelou.
      Have a beautiful week.

      Amorelou, with love.

  3. Han quedado muy bonitas, los detalles de las botellas/jarrones también los has hecho tu?

  4. Such lovely flowers Ibabe! Aww you know I'm totally fan of leather and you keychain is SO wonderful I bet you brother is going to love this! Great work! Hope you're enjoying your beautiful flowers and a happy week dearest.


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