
Corner view: street art

There is a proyect in the old part of the town to become the old buildings in wall art. The murals are made by volunteers and artist that design the wall art. You can see more here.
Alde zaharreko orma zaharrak artean bilakatzeko proiektuak baditu urteak. Gero eta haundiagoak, gero eta ikusgarriagoak dira eginiko lanak. Bizitatzera gonbidatzen dizuet. Hemen.
Las viejas fachadas del casco viejo llevan años sufriendo una transformación silenciosa. Los murales se reproducen con temática variada. Colores que dan vida a un barrio y a una zona un tanto olvidada. Os invito a pasear por sus calles. Aquí.

15 comentarios:

  1. Me encanta esta iniciativa y este arte en Vitoria!

  2. Incredible artwork!!
    It is nice that you be able to see this day and night!

  3. wow! must be special to live in there! warm greetings from Paris!

  4. These walls are incredible! Very nice :)

  5. wow ... this is really impressive and a very interesting project.

  6. How fantastic! Wouldn't it be fun to live in one of those homes?

  7. very colorful. I wonder what it must be like to paint on such a large surface!

  8. Wow! Incredible artistry and what a wonderful way to uplift a community!

  9. WOW, double wow! that's some serious artwork on those walls.
    so vibrant, so colorful and beautiful.

    thanks for sharing.

  10. Amazing!
    I love your town with it's magical artfull walls and dancing in plazas and you there with your camera. And oooh that sky in the last one!

  11. PS and now I received a package from those very streets!
    Thank you!! I love the "Crane in Spain", she looks so at home there!
    I will write more, for now just to say It arrived and MUCHAS GRACIAS!!

  12. Wow! Imagine a whole town as colourful as this!


Thanks for coming in
Mila esker etortzeagatik
Gracias por pasar