
Corner view: jewerly

Jewerly is always asociated with gold, silver, diamonts and others. But for me jewerly has become a beautiful word for little details than are important for me. This crane arrived crossing half the world, just to stay there. Looking at me. And it is a little jewerly. Just because I find myself unable to make origami, and just because it was made by a friend. That´s a jewerly.
And in the other side I am earring girl, have lots of them...and rings...big ones.
Bitziak beti egon dira disdira eta urrearekin elkartuak. Niretzako azkenaldian, bitziak beste sentzu bat hartu dute. Detaile txikiek duten kuttuntasun hori. Hau Japoniatik heldu zen. Niretzako bitzi txikia da, nik ezin bait dut horrelakorik egin eta gainera lagun batek bidali zidalako.
Beste aldean, belarritakoak maite dituen neska naiz, eta erastun haundiak.
Asociamos las joyas al oro, la plata y las piedras preciosas. Últimamente para mí el concepto de joya está más asociado con esos detalles que se convierten en importantes por alguna razón. Esta pequeña joya llegó desde oriente, muy lejano. Es una joya, porque yo no soy capaz de hacer algo así y por otro lado porque me lo mandó una amiga.
Por otro lado, soy una apasionada de los pendientes y los anillos grandes.

18 comentarios:

  1. Tienes razón, cada uno elige qué considera o no joyas!

    Gracias por echarme de menos ;-)

  2. A marvellous bird... My tÖmare relay ;)))

  3. this is a precious jewel you have :)

  4. so will you tell us about this friend who sent it to you? :) And of course i'm thinking...a crane? who is pregnant??

  5. Joanne sent me from Japan. Not me...I hope

  6. That's right, not need gold or precious stones to call something "jewel".
    This origami is really lovely :)

  7. jgy is clever!
    love how you relate to jewelry, ibb.

  8. beautiful gift ... I love paper & origami (and we will know about our next posting in January or February !)

  9. I think it make life much more complete if we're able to see the sparkle in daily life.
    I keep a little crane a waiter made for me in an japanese restaurant in Australia since ages because this was a special moment - its hiding in a little pocket of an old planer and every time I discover it again it makes me smile.

  10. This is so sweet!! And I wear a jewel from you every day near my heart!!
    People often comment on it and I love to tell it`s from my friend in Spain!
    And sometimes I go on about how we met thru our blogs and isn`t it amazing....
    Thank you for sharing the true jewel of friendship!

  11. dear ibb,
    your way of thinking is beautiful
    please, pay a visit to my place
    i know you understand many more than what i wrote there
    i wish you strength and good health
    with the help of God

    we will be in touch

  12. Totalmente de acuerdo con tu reflexión de las joyas!

  13. Thanks for your sweet words about the accident, all is fine now. Nobody got serious injuries, we were lucky ! I think I will spend our last 8 Polish months walking & bicycling ...

  14. Si, para mi las joyas también tienen un gran componente sentimental, mis hijos me hacen collares de macarrones y les tengo un cariño especial. Besos

  15. Hi Ibabe,
    I just was out meditating and looking at the moon at the Castle, and guess what, I was thinking of you because I was surrounded by ginko trees and the leaves I looked down and thought directly of you, and then when I returned home I opened the mail and saw your comment about the moon!
    Wow, I ♡the connection!! By the way, there were 3 white herons asleep in the tree (near the ginko tree but another kind of tree) and the moon was reflected in the moat surrounding the castle.
    Truly transportive!! And so true, its impossible to take a photo. .. just to experience it! pooh..

  16. looks wonderful
    wishing you a good weekend
    come to see me again soon

  17. oh, my, I'm so late, I missed this entry entirely!
    a real jewel, like friendship! :)
    (ps I haven't received anything, was I supposed to?)

  18. I like your view on jewelry. I agree your little bird is a "gem" of a jewelry. xo


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