Imagine, how simple and beautiful a flower can be. How easy is to find beauty in a rose.
Imagine, life being so easy and simple.
Pentsa nolako edertasuna dagoen hain gauza erraz eta simple batean. Nolako erreza den edertasun hori larrosa batean topatzea.
Pentsa bizitza halako erreza eta simplea balitz.
Imagina que sencilla y preciosa puede ser una flor. Qué fácil encontramos la belleza en una rosa.
Imagina una vida sencilla y fácil.
Imagine. Life as a huge horizon.
Irudikatu bizitza zeozer izugarria bezala.
Imagina la vida como un horizonte enorme por descubrir.
Today life has another sence to me. A close-friend has told as she has leukemia. How can I imagine today something? When reallity is so real.
Baina gaur bizitzak beste sentzu bat hartu dut. Laguna batek leuzemia duela esan digu. Nola imagina dezaket gaur nik ezer? Errealitate soilak....
Pero la vida me ha mostrado hoy otra cara. Una amiga nos ha contado que tiene leucemia. ¿ Cómo puedo hoy imaginar algo? Cuando la realidad resulta tan...abrumadora.
mhmmm... that isn't good news at all.
ResponderEliminari hope your friend has what to beat it, and i wish her/him the best of luck. and to you, for being a close friend.
So sorry for your friend... It's true that we never imagine this sort of (bad) thing can touch the people we love ...
ResponderEliminarI'm so sorry about your friend.
ResponderEliminarI find myself complicating my life way too much really could be very simple.
Sorry to hear that about your friend. hope you and your friend are strong :)
ResponderEliminarSorry about your friend... Sending warm thoughts to you and your friend x
ResponderEliminarSorry about your friend. Sending my prayers here way.
ResponderEliminarSo sorry to hear about your friend. Its hard to imagine good things when someone we care for is suffering, but remembering the good times past and imagining the good times in the future I hope will help your friend through. Best wishes.
ResponderEliminarBeautiful... I'm dreaming.
ResponderEliminarsorry about your friend, ibabe, life is not that easy and simple, i wish it were, or i wish i'd found the way to make it so. but on most days, i struggle.
ResponderEliminarIbabe - so sorry to hear about your friend, and I am hoping she gets though treatments quickly and recovers from it. She is lucky to have such a thoughtful friend as you. Hugs...
ResponderEliminarI'm sorry to read about your friend....that must be very tough...
ResponderEliminarI wish you and your friends [ and people around] a lot of warmth and love...
your rose is beautiful ... and yes a lot of excitment in the city with the Euro 2012 starting today !!
ResponderEliminarYour imaginings are poetic and beautiful.
ResponderEliminarAlmost feels as if they are gifts for your friend, to keep her imagining herself as complete and perfect as the rose, which she is and we all are...
Sharing in wishes of warmth and love to her,
corner view - i miss it ;)
ResponderEliminari wish you all the best. your blog has a new, nice dress....
my dear,
ResponderEliminari start to imagine healing love. i send it over there for you and your friend.
it´s such a short time ago that i really could felt how i got help from you people, so you are not alone, remember that.
with love
Sorry to hear about your friend. Big hugs... xo
ResponderEliminarVaya, noticias complicadas de asumir...Mucho ánimo y tranquilidad, espero que vaya todo lo mejor posible con tu amiga