
Corner view:a room with a view

Corner view: Room with a view.
Always reminds me Venice.
I only has been there once. It was in my twenties in a hot summer day. Streets were full of people and we decided to look for the church that appears in Indiana Jones´ film. That one after the scene with rats. Hmmm. We got lost twice, or more...so we decided to abandom and just discover the other, no so crowed, Venice. I think it was one of the best ways to discover the city. I came across a little shop with leather masks. I paid a fortune for one that reminds me the idea of discovering, more than travelling.

Venetzia dakarkit gogora. Nola pasa izan genun egun bat orain hainbeste denbora, udarako egun bero bat. Hiria jendez gainezka zegoen eta ia ezin zinen ibili. Indiana Jonesen filman agertzen den elizaren bila ibiltzea otu zitzaion taldeko bati. Orduak eman genituen galduak...baina benetan ikusi izan genun amaitzen ziren kaleen Venetzia, plaza txikien hiria eta beste mundu bateko artisau tailerren mundua. Hor konturatu nintzen batzutan deskubritzea, bidaiatzea baino garrantzitzuagoa dela.

Siempre me viene Venecia a la cabeza. Cómo pasé un caluroso día de agosto perdida entre las hordas de turistas que abarrotaban la ciudad. A uno del grupo se le ocurrió que quería buscar la iglesia que aparece en Indiana Jones, aquella plaza a la que salen después de la escena con millones de ratas...así que terminamos pasando horas perdidos entre calles sin salida, callejones infinitos y estrechos, ropa colgada, plazas pequeñas que escondían talleres maravillosos de papeles, plumas y máscaras de cuero. Tal vez allí me dí cuenta del valor de descubrir, por encima del de viajar.

Sorry no photos yet


5 random facts about me

I was asked to talk or write about 5 random facts about me. Really it is not an easy work just because lately I find no much words or no much to say and in the other hands there is so much I could talk about to take just 5 things.

1.- Last week it was my birthday. 37. Too many for a lot of things. It is as if I feel tired and old lately. As if my time for so many things has passed and I need to find in which part of everything I find myself. I had a good day, but it was not enough to bring grey clouds away.

2.- As I am growing old I feel more confortable in open spaces, in little villages, in details. More than in big cities full of people. I prefer little pub concerts, friend lunches, outside activities...and if I could, I would like to move a bit out of city, to a little village.

3.- On friday I had lunch with old work friends...and maybe I must admite that the decision of changing....maybe it was not. In one had it was something I must make, but as time passes the new work is becoming more and more frustrating and that always make you look back. I am trying to change...always trying to find. Maybe that is me. Trying to find, looking for, experimenting...

4.- It is time since I don´t listen to music. I cannot find the moment. It is as if I stopped some years ago and now I can find my place. So the little I listen, are old records.

5.- My camera and me are not very good friends in the past weeks. No photos. No good photos. It is as if the last grey, rainy weeks have taken all colours away and I feel enable to catch the greys and the beauty of white and blacks. I promised a friend that is pregnant to make her some photos...but really not feel good about it. Any tips about it? To recover my friendship with the camera....

I could stay more writting, but I was asked just to write 5 and I think it is enough for a monday morning. Just to say thanks, for those who thing about me in this kind of confidenses and to those how read me.
Enjoy the week.


Easter under rain

I have light box and light counter near entrance. And I was looking for something to hide them.
So decided to do it simple and easy during rainy easter.
Etxeko argindar kutxa eta kontadorea ate ondoan ditut. Beraz aste santu euritxuan zeozer egitea erabaki nuen. Erresa eta garbia zen zeozer.
Tengo el contador de la luz y el cuadro cerca de la puerta. Con una semana santa lluviosa había que hacer algo para taparlos. Sencillo y fácil.

Sticker is from Ana Ventura and key holder from Zara Home. The result is something easy to move, easy to use and quite decorative.
Pegatina Ana Venturarena da eta giltza euskailua Zara Homen erositakoa. Ondorio nahiko garbia, mugitzen erreza eta erabilgarria atera da.
La pegatina es de Ana Ventura y el sujeta llaves de Zara Home. El resultado, fácil de mover, fácil de usar e incluso decorativo.

A bit of embroidery. First attempt. And rug is growing. What do you thing?
Bordatzen hasi naiz. Lehenengoz. Eta gero alfonbra hazten dabil, zer uste duzue?
Primer intento en bordado. Y la alfombra sigue creciendo. Qué tal va?

And all problems solved!



I am having problems with blogger and google chrome.
Unable to install google chrome, blogger is not the same...
Will try to solve soon, but will need time.

Any of you have had the same problem?


Corner view: work and play

Easter has began. There are many religious parades, with drums, with trompets and wooden figures.
I work today last day this week, and tomorrow will enjoy of some days of, of playing with my time.
Astesantua hasi da jada. Prozezioak kaleak betetzen dituzte, danbor, trompeta eta egurrezko irudiekin.
Gaur azkenengo laneguna diat, biartik aurrera jai egun batzuk datoz, jolasteko denbora.
La semana santa ha comenzado. Hay procesiones, llenas de tambores, trompetas y pasos.
Hoy trabajo el último día y  a partir de mañana tendré unos días para jugar con mi tiemp.

So let´s play.


March. North and South

March has just ended and has leave me some photos of the difference between the north and the south. First photos are taken in the North Coast. Cantabric sea. Zarautz. Grey, cold and lonely.
Martxoa amaitu da eta ipar eta hegoalde artean dagoen ezberdintasuna laga dit argazkitan. Lehenak etxe inguruko kostaldean. Zarautz. Grisa, hotza eta bakartia.
Marzo terminó y me dejó en fotos la diferencia entre el norte y el sur. La costa cantábrica, gris, bravía, oscura y fría. Zarautz.

The South. Malaga. With the sun, the light, the mediterranean calm sea. The difference between two photo sets is a week. 
Hegoaldea. Malaga. Eguzkia, argia, mediterranear itsasoaren kalma. Bi argazki sorten arteko denbora astebetekoa da.
El sur. Malaga. La luz, el sol y la calma del mar mediterráneo. Una semana separa ambos grupos de fotos.

I don´t know which one I love more. Probably the north....maybe because I feel more at home. What about you?