
Corner view: cuddly

When I was a child there was an animal I wish hug. Koala. That kind of cuddly animal one wishes to have on arms, just to keep it calm and safe.
Nowadays I have two dogs. And although most of the time they are adorable and when they are calm on the sofa (where I have no place) can be cuddly. But there are times I thing they are possesed by devil and that they are testing my patience.
I think I will adopt a Koala and give them back, just to have a little sleeping cuddly one at home.

Any animal you want to hug?

Cuando era pequeña el animal que deseaba abrazar era el coala. Esa clase de animal adorable que uno quiere tener en brazos, que transmiten calma y paz.
Ahora tengo dos perros. La mayoría del tiempo son adorables y cuando están en el sofá (lugar donde ya no tengo sitio) son como peluchillos. Pero hay veces que parecen poseidos por el demonio y están poniendo a prueba mi paciencia.
Creo que voy a adoptar un coala y devolverlos, para tener un mascota tranquila y durmiente en casa.

Algún animal que siempre habéis soñado con abrazar?

Txikitan koala gustoko nuen. Hain zen animali goxo eta lasaia. Besoetan orduak izan daitekeen horietakoa. 
Gaur egun bi txakur ditut etxean. Eta nahiz eta denbora gehiengoa lasai eta jatorrak diren, badaude momentuak non deabruak poseituak daudela ematen duen. 
Koala adoptatuko dut, eta hauek itzuli. Ea horrela galtzear daukadan pazientzia berrezkuratzen dudan, inguruan lasaitasuna zabaltzen duen animaliarekin.

Besoetan izan nahi dezuten animalirik?

19 comentarios:

  1. The best choice! I want to hug this koala :)

    1. So soft...and one should go to Australia...a dreamed travel ;)

  2. A koala hug must be wonderful! So cute!

  3. i've always liked baby seals - the idea of them, at least, because i'm not sure i'd actually want to cuddle one! can't you get nice floor cushions for your dogs, and reclaim the sofa for yourself?

    1. That is my second option...hahahaa....but now I think they are more..wet?
      Trying to make them out of the sofa...getting better...

  4. koalas are very sweet. But dogs are housebroken. And this is great.

    I want to cuddle all dogs. :)

  5. Yes, most definately. Though they do have very sharp claws!

  6. Yes, most definately. Though they do have very sharp claws!

  7. I too loved koalas for the longest time.

  8. Absolutely adorable! The best of cuddiness. :>)

  9. Absolutely adorable! The best of cuddiness. :>)

  10. oh, be careful! you don't know if he isn't possessed too when he's awake ;-)
    warm greetings from Paris!


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