
Corner view: Looking up

Last corner view was a word corner. Based on words and its meaning. 
Todays one is based on photos. Just imagine me, walking round with two dogs, and a camera. Trying to rescue some little blue skies.  Photos are not very good, houses, naked trees and a school. And notice, some little blues.

El corner de la semana pasada era de palabras. De palabras y de su significado.
Hoy estamos buscando imágenes. Mirar arribe. Ahora imaginaros como iba, con dos perros, una cámara e intentando sacar alguna foto decente. Tratando de rescatar esos pequeños claros del cielo. Las fotos no son muy buenas, no me dejaban enfocar con tranquilidad....las casas del vecindario, los árboles que se resisten a vestirse de primavera y un colegio. Y pequeños pedazos de azul.

Aste honetako kornerrak pasatakoaren hitzen urrutitik dago. 
Gaur gora begiratu eta ikusitakoa aurkezten dizuet. Imagina nazazue, bi txakurrekin eta kamararekin zeozer probetzuzkoa ateratzen saiatzen. Argazkiak ez dira oso onak, baina ez zegoen enfokatzerik. Inguruko etxeak, zuhaitzak eta eskola. Eta ikusi duzue, urdin apur bat.

15 comentarios:

  1. Ha ha, I imagine you in the street with your 2 dogs trying to take some photos... :D

    1. I think they call me crazy girl when I am not looking....

  2. Interesting how different world looks like when just looking up!
    xo barbara bee

    1. We loose when we don´t have time to stop and look up.

  3. the photos are very good. You show me a little bit of your wonderful country.

  4. they must be very polite and well-trained dogs, to let you stop and take photos :)

    1. Stop...hahahah...they were nearly making me down...hahaha...an adventure ;)

  5. I would not be able to take photos if I was walking my dogs :)

  6. looks good! and wow, with two dogs! i mean.. i have problems taking photos with even one (not very lively one). by the way, i'll be around there in the end of june.. traveling in portugal & north of spain, this time for real, a flight from santander is already booked.. ;)

    1. June I will be at home...you know where you can find me...and if you want some tips...let me know.

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


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