
corner view: late reflections

In a bit more than 10 days I will be 36. And lately I spend quite a lot of time reflecting. Quite a lot of my few spare time. Sometimes I think I am living just by inerce. A good friend told me just to brake, but I am afraid of falling if I do it suddendly. So I try to change things...but changes don´t arrive. And I try not to think, just to enjoy details, and little things that could make me smile. But sometimes it is not easy.
At work, I work too much. Crisis time they say, we all must try hard. But it lets me no time. At home, just I find that sometimes I have no time to do anything, and I spent my weekend just cleaning. Friends. Some are near, other so far, but lately they all seem to have travelled far away. Family, they are always there, as usual.
No love, no even someone to smile at.
I am lucky, I know, and I thank everyday for that....but sometimes it seem that it is not enough. I feel I am getting  old so quicky that I am not able to enjoy.
I should not think so much.

The photo is from my grandmum home. Love that old lamps, have beautiful shadows.

12 comentarios:

  1. maitia!!! denbora azkar pasatzen da guztora zaudelako!!!ezta??? ezer egiteko ez ditugun egunak, bakardadean amaiezinak izaten dira. Gogoratzen naiz nire Londreseko lehen 6 hilabeteak amaitezinak zirela iruditu zitzaidala...egun luzeak, asteak oso mantso pasatzen ziren hasieran...gero pixkanaka obeto nengoen, lagunak egin nituen eta azkenean 6 urte pasa nituen han!!nork esango zidan hori nire lehen hilabetean??? eta artean orain nire gizona eta semearen aita izango dena ezagutu nuen!!!

    Aprobetxatu bizitza!oraindik oso gazteak gera eta!!!

    Muxu bat

  2. me encanta la lámpara.
    lo otro, ay morena, eso es cuestión de que te falta algo y no sabes el qué. sigue excavando y saldrá, pero dale tiempo... primavera. ya verás.

  3. Your birthday is just around the corner. I love that light fixture too. xo

  4. I wish you the beautiful light of smiles and friends... and send you a virtual hug I'ld like to give you...

  5. So you are an Ares! April birthdays are all around me, some of my favorite people---my daughter and my husband, and other good friends, and now I know another wonderful Ares!! Smiles and hugs to you, hope you will do something special to celebrate YOU, whatever it is you love to do...
    PS I went to NY but not Paris!!! Happy now to be back in Japan, to cherry blossoms, after a whirlwind of a trip.

  6. I think the trick in life is not to necessarily go after an ideal happiness, but to find peace. Peace with our past, or our present, or within ourselves, or whatever it takes. How? I don't know. But if you do figure it out, please let me know! :) Baci.

  7. hey there :)

    what a fantastic lamp - and what a light!!! WOW!!!! i like i like i like :)

    your birthday is soon. sometimes it is really strange, how fast time goes by.

    thanks for your lovely comment. in my heart i am also religious. but our house is always like a birthday party :)

    have a nice week,

  8. i feel you. i'm sure many of us can relate. hang in there. nothing is permanent. change will come and you will be smiling and falling in love with life again and again. xo!

  9. La lámpara es muy bonita y las sombras también, están ahí en ese momento en el que has sacado la foto, y eso es lo mejor que puedes hacer, disfrutar del momento, de la suerte que tienes y no estar pensando ni en lo que no tienes ni en lo que en el futuro igual tampoco. Tienes mucha suerte Ibb!. Un beso gordo

  10. Supongo que todos nos hacemos ese tipo de preguntas y reflexiones en algún momento de nuestra vida, yo creo que es bueno, eso significa que no vives por inercia, si no que buscas algo mejor y te ayudará a crecer. Disfrutar de lo que tenemos no es contrario a aspirar a algo mejor.

  11. Sometimes one feels a little like that yes, a little lost. I hope you feel better soon and that you manage some time for soul searching. And you know you are always welcome up north :) but remember we are really really far north :) just send an email if you are traveling. Besos!


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