Chiaku: If you mantain my spirit in your heart, you will feel my strengh. Let life show the more stupid face. Laugh, laugh and laugh a lot, just to let the smile light your mind, cicatrice your heart and let your spirit dance.
Chiaku: Nire espiritua zure bihotzean mantendu, nire indarra sentitzeko. Utzi bizitzari alderdirik txoroena erakusten. Barre egin, barre hortz artean eta barre gogor, barreak zure burua argitu dezan, zure bihotza senda dadin eta zure espirituak dantza egin dezan.
Chiaku: Si mantienes mi espiritu en tu corazón, sentirás su fuerza. Deja que la vida te muestre el lado absurdo. Ríete tontamente, ríete entre dientes y ríete a carcajadas para que la risa ilumine tu mente, cicatrice tu corazón y permita que tu espíritu baile.
Sometimes it is not easy to find words to send support to all friends in japan.
It's sad what has happened, but your photos and thoughts are beautiful. Hopefully they will bring positive vibes to your friends.
ResponderEliminarbeautiful blossoms of hope. xo
ResponderEliminarYes, sometimes, we have no words to tell what we feel... We just have thoughts, flying, today, towards Japanese people...
ResponderEliminarTerrible situación la de Japón, especialmente si tienes alguien querido allí. Espero que puedan recuperare pronto de esta gran catástrofe.
ResponderEliminarso beautiful... and so sad...
Right now, it all seems incommensurable, and yet it's getting worse. It really isn't easy to find the words.
ResponderEliminarI undestand, no word just tears and lookinf for arms to protect them ... thank you Ibb.
ResponderEliminarbeautiful photos.
ResponderEliminarit´s not always so easy to find words. then we can find some pictures to tell*
yes, you are right, it can be difficult to find the right words. Your post is beautiful.
ResponderEliminarThnking of Japan... Thank you for your beautiful post.
ResponderEliminarYes it´s on my mind all day long. Beautiful message in image and words..
ResponderEliminarThoughts and flowers for connection... Have a sweet day.
ResponderEliminarAnd so... Inspiration is on it's way?
ResponderEliminarBig hug...
nunca es fácil encontrar las mejores palabras, pero creo que tu lo lograste :)
ResponderEliminares un lindo post para momentos tan tristes en el mundo...
muchos abrazos para tí!
i know.
ResponderEliminarand we do dance
and we do laugh
Que palabras tan bonitas.
ResponderEliminarA French "bonjour"...
ResponderEliminarIt's so sad but the hope in your post is beautiful. So so beautiful... xo
ResponderEliminar:) thank you for your comment and your post. it is a beautiful thing, that so many people from all over the world are sending love and compassion for people in japan. xo
ResponderEliminarBeautiful and hopeful,
ResponderEliminarHere, I see the cherry blossoms full bloom, will think back to you and sending love your way.