
Colours, wind and cold

There is a place in the coast where wind is combed. Where waves sing.
Bada leku bat kostaldean non airea orraztua izaten den. Non olatuek abeztu egiten duten.
Hay un sitio en la costa donde el viento es peinado. Donde las olas cantan.

Winter mornings are full of colour. Woolen new gloves. Made by my mum.
Neguko goizak kolorez beteak daude. Artilezko eskularru berriak. Amak eginak.
Las mañanas de invierno son de colores. Nuevos guantes. Hechos por mi madre.

Unexpected surprise for a bad begining of the year. When does chinese year begins...maybe that could be better year begining for me?
Ezusteko oparia urte hasiera txar baterako. Noiz eman dakioke berriro urteari hasiera?
Una sorpresa inexperada para un comienzo extraño de año. Me pregunto si podría acogerme a algún otro comienzo de año?

Placebo. Without you I am nothing

24 comentarios:

  1. Tu madre es una ARTISTA!! que bonitos!

  2. Dearest friend Ibb; magical waves, I'm sure they will turn your way. No need to wait for a new year; any minute can bring positive and unexpected changes. While you wait, you keep your hands and heart warm... thinking of you. Love Lilli

  3. the photo of the waves is magical!

  4. these gloved hands are the hands of a magician-to-be
    I wish you are well
    do your magic soon

  5. En serio "eso" hace tu madre??? Menuda artista!

  6. Gorgeous and Dramatic!
    Both the waves and the gloves:)
    Hope you feel better,
    sent a little something by post as promised a few comments before:))(to do with ginko leaf of course)

  7. PS Yes, Norwegian Wood is a movie. It's out around now in Japan. Maybe I will see it, will you?

  8. qué maravilla de guantes!! me encanta tu nuevo anillo, qué buen comienzo de año!!

  9. such gloves i would love to have-
    you lucky lady!
    may all your dreams come true!
    take care!

  10. Your mom is a skilled knitter, and those gloves are fantastic. Hope things brighten up in the new "ring year":)

  11. Your photos are awesome! So are all your wonderful treasures from others. xo

  12. I LOVE those gloves!! Get her to teach you how to knit Ibabe (if you can't already) its a great comfort to make knitted woolens. And that wave photo is super! I always wanted to capture the waves like that.

  13. i don't know which i find more mesmerizing : the waves or those beau-ti-ful green gloves (made by your mum??????? WOW!).
    and yes, placebo to round it all off...

  14. Me sumo a los Comentarios de "asombro"; porque vaya guantes!!
    Una artista tu madre.
    Un saludo, Ibb.

  15. wow ... your mother makes very nice gloves :)

  16. mum is amazing! seriously, how does she do that?

    loving those waves, too. and wishing you a very happy new year- chinese and otherwise!

  17. Your mom is wonderful! These gloves are beautiful! They keep you warm from the cold winter for sure!

    The Chinese New Year begins on February 3rd...
    So you just wait a bit...
    Have a lovely weekend...

  19. I hope the rough sea calms down for you soon again. Wishing you all the best! The gloves are beautiful!

  20. tu madre es una artista! esos guantes son preciosos!!

  21. Ibb, mira esto:

  22. Very beautiful photos and gloves... And a nice surprise! I wish you a lot of nice surprises!

  23. just to tell you that i´m thinking of you-



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