
Corner view: pets

A West Highlander Terrier, called Pintxo. Who sleeps like a little person and dreams a lot, and to whose eyes I feel  imposible to say no.
Pintxo. Pertsona bat moduan egiten du lo,  amets egiten du askotan eta ez diot ezetz esan begirada horri.
Pintxo, un West Highlnader Terrier, que duerme como una personita, ronca y sueña un montón y a cuya mirada no puedo decir que no.

Spanish water dog, called Ortxi. It´s my brother´s. It is like a little sheep with brown yarn. Love those brown eyes.
Ortxi. Anaiaren txakurra. Ezin begirada horri ezer esan, hilea luze duenean ardi bat dirudi.
Un perro de aguas español llamado Ortxi. El perro de mi hermano. Esa mirada desconcierta, y cuando lleva el pelo largo, parece una ovejita.

And you are dogs or cats?

8 comentarios:

  1. so cute, both of them - and I'm of course a dogs person.
    barbara bee ☺


  2. Ooohh, so sweet the two.

    I could not refuse, even if they want to be in my bed. And the eyes from Ortxi I could never resist. Never.

  3. Lovely!!!! :)
    and I'm a catdoghorse person..... ;)

  4. I love your pictures and I'm like Menthe, I love both… but not in the big city.
    warm greetings from grey Paris!

  5. you really are a dog expert! I have no idea of breeds at all!

    1. And as a child and teenager I was afraid of them....i sent you some words ;)

  6. nice photo with the black and white and your cute doggy ( or humanbeingdoggy) in color!!
    and the other one...wow...she can really look at you!

  7. Such darlings and those eyes! I love both but dogs are my favorites - We have a frenchie and it really give us so much fun & hillarious moments, they can be very entertaining:-) Thank you for sharing those BIG brown eyes, irrisistable! have a beautiful week, warming hugs, Mette


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