
Kaikaku Giveaway

These photos are quite old. From my childhood, with my cousins and brother when we used to go to mountains and weekend trips. A lot of things has changed since them. Well, things are changing everytime, maybe without even noticing.
There is a japanese word, kaikaku that means, radical change. I would like to make that. Change all. Keeping good things with me. But changing is not always easy. 
I have found a job. Have no idea about it. It is really new for me. Change 1.
I have started to take care about my skin.  I am a lazy girl and for me it is a great change. Love myself a bit more.  Change 2.
I have decided that I will help others. There is a project I find really interesting. From woman to woman. Change 3.
I will make more exercise. I must start again with timetables and will take a time to find out which one suits me more. Even running. To know people and know myself a bit more. Change 4
I decided to take care a bit more of friends. So I have decided to make a GIVEAWAY. Change 5.

There are 400 posts in the blog so I find it a great opportunity to make a GIVEAWAY. It will be opened till the 10 of november and to take part you just have to leave a comment explaining which one are your late little changes. The prize will be a handmade something I have to suit to the winner

400 post idatzi ondoren zeozer egitea okurritu zait, irakurleei zeozer oparitzeko ordua heldu dela. Urriak 10rarte irekia egongo da eta azkenaldian zuengan eginiko aldaketa txikiren baten berri emanez parte hartu dezakezue.

Son ya 400 posts. Por lo que he decidido hacer un pequeño sorteo. Simplemente teneís que comentar un cambio que hayaís hecho en vuestra vida y que haya sido importante para vosotros. Estará abierto hasta el 10 de noviembre. El premio se adaptará al ganador.

9 comentarios:

  1. Me ha gustado esa palabra japonesa kaikaku hasta suena vasca! Cambio radical el mío, hace cuántos meses que no toco el blog? ;-) Más cambios? La preñez, me cuido por dos, me canso por dos... Suerte en el nuevo trabajo; cuidarse un poco más es fácil, sólo tienes que añadir esa rutina al día a día, y ni te enteras. Ayudar más a los demás es siempre un buen proyecto. Besos

  2. These are wonderful news... ideas and projects... But in fact, you do not change, you have all this in you...

  3. felicidades por los post!

    me encanta saber más de tí! para mí un gran cambio en mi vida fue cuando dejé de fumar. Yo era de las que cada mañana al despertar me fumaba un cigarro... fumaba como una cajetilla al día, hasta que decidí dejarlo. Fue duro y fue un gran cambio de hábitos, pero ha sido de las mejores cosas que he hecho para mí.

    un abrazo grande y gracias por el sorteo!

  4. wonderful family snaps!
    and such noble intentions, i like them all! they also sound alot like.... life! ;)))
    cheers for the opportunity, i'm glad to enter your little giveaway.

  5. i love family photos, and congratulations on 400 posts!
    interesting thought from Otli above, and right now it strikes me as correct: we have lots of potential, we just need to bring it out at the right time, and let it bloom.

  6. I had some time ago a burnout, it took many years before I was able to accept and realize that I had it again and it took until I changed something. And since then I changed something, since I'm fine. I changed much of the work, my view, my thoughts on the job, a new hobby. It was good to change.

  7. oh, i try to make some changes with myself now and then. however, they seem to fall off me after some time and i return to my old self. right now i am thinking i should learn to knit a sock - but that is not a change, really. there was recently some movement towards cleaning the flat more often, so maybe this. but as far as i know myself, i will soon fall victim to my laziness.

  8. it's nice to stand still with little changes in life.
    my biggest change is to choice for myself, i really want to start my own little cranio sacraal therapist (http://www.upledger.com/content.asp?id=61). but...i have to do it with little changes time by time....i find it difficult to make one big step and start this own business were my heart is. so, i start with friends and than friends from friends, and like this i want to build it up. to start this really confronted me with being me!

  9. Dear...I'm impressed by the changes you made. Seems little effort, but as a person that's struggling hard with any changes and deeply longing for them at the same time, I should take your post as a sign of encouragement. I was thinking about some changes for quite a while. Maybe I'll give myself a go now. ;o)


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