
Rainy tunisian crochet hours

Navigating in Pinterest I discovered the tunisian or afgan stitch. So I tried. I really like.
Pinterest-etik nabigatzen tuneziar puntua deskubritu nuen. Eta zertan erabili....
Navegando en Pinterest descubrí el punto tunecino. Lo probé. Y me encantó.

Taking a photo of the elbow is not easy. Just to show were I used the two pieces I made. Giving a second life to a really cozy sweeter.
Ukondoko argazkia ateratzea ez da batere erreza. Azkenean etxerako jertze zaharrean jarri nituen egin berri nituen triangeluak. Bere bizitza apur bat luzatu nahiean edo.
Sacarse una foto del codo es algo que parece más sencillo. Simplemente quería enseñaros a donde fueron a parar los dos triángulos que acababa de hacer. A darle más vida al jersecito de estar en casa.

Have you any interesting stitch to link? Any one that you love more or so?
Algún punto que os guste especialmente o que de resultados increibles?

6 comentarios:

  1. What a coincidence, I tried out for the first time ever, Tunisian crochet last week too! It's fun, but either you use a very long hook, or make a very small project.

  2. El punto es mi asignatura pendiente! Bueno, el punto, el ganchillo y la costura en general, todo el mundo que lo prueba dice que engancha! Besos

  3. Hi there
    Its a lucky day! you have won the Logbook giveaway!
    Email me your address at virginia@roddyandginger.co.uk and I will post a set of three to you.
    v x

  4. oh my grandma tried teaching me, but I forgot immediately how to do it... I love that color powdery grey.

  5. Sweet and pretty work :) Happy Week-end.

  6. I have a Tunisian crochet hook and I love how the pattern turns out, but I have been too impatient to do it lately. It is a bit slower than regular crochet or knitting. But I think after seeing this I am inspired to give it a try again! :)


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