
B&W corner

When  I start living in this flat, I decided not to spend a great amount of money in beautiful pots for plants. So decided to paint some just to break a bit with the terracota colour of them.
Etxean bizitzen hasi nintzenean, landareendako poteetan ez nun dirurik gastau nahi. Horregatik margotu egin nintuen, lur kolorearekin piskat amaitzeko.
Cuando empecé a vivir aquí, no tenía dinero para gastar en preciosos tiestos para las plantas. Así que me decique a pintarlas para romper un poco con el color monótono a tierra.

Navigating I found a blog that gave me an idea to renew the corner. Stylizimo.
Nabigatzen ideia eman zidan blog bat topatu nun. Stylizimo.
Navegando me tope con un blog que me dió una idea para renovar mi esquinita. Stylizimo

The pot is covered with a crochet easy super easy I have managed to do cozy. The vase was made last year at ceramic class in a mixture of two kind of clays. And the crochet.....that´s my mum´s.
Potea eskuz eginiko gantxillo erraz erraz egiten lortu dudan fundatxoa darama. Beheko platerra ihaz zeramika klasean eginikoa da, bi buztinezko nahasketarekin. Eta tapetea....hori amak egin du.
El tiesto lo he cubierto de una fundita de ganchillo super super fácil, hasta he conseguido hacerla yo. El plato es de clase de cerámica del año pasado mezclando dos tipos de barro. Y el tapete..ese es de mi madre.

Lately I have been quite busy and a bit stressed...and a bit down...and I have discovered that crochet relaxes me a bit. So ideas for home decoration in easy super easy crochet are admited. Just not to crochet and crochet with no use.
Azkenaldian lanpetu xamar ibili naiz eta estresaturik...eta baxu xamar....eta gantxiloarekin ibiltzeak lagundu egin nau. Beraz etxerako gauzen ideia errazak ondo hartuak izanen dira....norabiderik gabe ez ibiltzeko.
Últimamente he estado un poco ocupada, estresada y también...bajita...y he descubierto que  el ganchillo me relaja. Así que se aceptan ideas para decoración de casa, super super fáciles, simplemente para no tejer sin rumbo.


Japan tree conexion

Chiaku: If you mantain my spirit in your heart, you will feel my strengh. Let life show the more stupid face. Laugh, laugh and laugh a lot, just to let the smile light your mind, cicatrice your heart and let your spirit dance.
Chiaku: Nire espiritua zure bihotzean mantendu, nire indarra sentitzeko. Utzi bizitzari alderdirik txoroena erakusten. Barre egin, barre hortz artean eta barre gogor, barreak zure burua argitu dezan, zure bihotza senda dadin eta zure espirituak dantza egin dezan.
Chiaku: Si mantienes mi espiritu en tu corazón, sentirás su fuerza. Deja que la vida te muestre el lado absurdo. Ríete tontamente, ríete entre dientes y ríete a carcajadas para que la risa ilumine tu mente, cicatrice tu corazón y permita que tu espíritu baile.

Sometimes it is not easy to find words to send support to all friends in japan. 


Corner view: wood

Lately I am taking tree photos all the time. I find fascinating the texture of the wood, the little colours, animals and details one can fin in one of this photos. The past of human, the nature streght, the wind...all this leaves something on them, we can discover. Love those kind of photos...and would like to receive more from all parts of the wordl, just to have my own wood. Anyone wants to contribute to this huge wood map?

This is the wooden box my uncle gave me up, when I was nine. He did it for my comunion gift. With my name, traditional works and beautiful dolls in the cover. It is something special that today is at my parents as I cannot find the perfect place here.

More wooden dreams in Norwegian wood and at Francesca´s


Carnival and winter weekend

Streets full of animals.
Kaleak animaliz beteak
Calles llenas de animales.

Find me here....

Sunny saturday relax, back to the 80s.
Sapatuko erlaxua...
Fiebre del sábado noche

Sunday recovering walk...after party one must sweat...the beers...
Igandean, garagardoak iserditzera.
El domingo a sudar las cervezas....


Corner view: on my kitchen counter

My kitchen was just a few minutes ago full of wood, food and oil. Some warm salad with eggs, with vegetables and cheese. Oil always in hand. Some wine, for just a glass after work...
Sukaldea minutu batzuk dala bazkariz betea zegoen, egurrezko tresnak eta olioa. Ensalada arraultzakin, gazta, txanpiak eta porruak. Olioa beti eskura. Ardo apur bat, lan osteko edalontzirako.
Hace unos minutos mi cocina estaba llena de madera, comida  y aceite. Una ensalada templada de queso, huevo, champiñones y puerros. El aceite siempre a mano. Y algo de vino, para ese caprichoso vaso de después de trabajar.

Sorry but this computer has a horrible day....

Lately there is too much food in my posts?