
Corner view: bliss

I spent a time thinking about what could I write and show about bliss. Quite difficult to explain and quite difficult to take a photo of. But I remembered a photo I sent a friend some days ago...that could be.
I am not sure how old I was...I think I was 6 or 7. I was ill at home with fever, but I wanted to be princess for a day. I think it is the only time on my life I have felt as a princess. And I can remember the happiness of that moment. So if I can remember is because it was quite real, wasn´t it?
Denbora pasatu dut zeri buruz idatzi eta zer argazki jarri nezakeen pentsatzen. Zaila da azaltzen eta zaila argazki baten arrapatzen. Baina bat batean lagun bati bidalitako argazkia etorri zait burura...hori izan zitekeen. Ez nago zihur 6 edo 7 urte nituen. Etxean gaizo nengoen, sukarrakin baina printzesa izan nahi nuen egun batez. Eta nire bizitzan batean behintzat hala sentitu nintzen. Eta zoriontasun hori gogoan dut. Eta gogoan badut, benetakoa zelako izan zen, ez?
Pasé tiempo pensando en cómo podía plasmar el tema de esta semana. Es un bastante difícil de explicar y más de atrapar en una fotografía. Pero recordé que hace unos días había enviado una foto...podía servir. No sé cuántos años tendría, 6 ó 7. Estaba enferma en casa, con fiebre, pero quería ser princesa por un día. Creo que es la única vez en mi vida que me he sentido como una princesa. Recuerdo lo feliz que me sentí. Y si lo recuerdo es porque fue real, no?

20 comentarios:

  1. Such a wonderful photo. I love the costumes!
    But I think you should feel like a princess more than once.

  2. sweet memory ... you all look great

  3. It was real ! It's a nice photo and it's not a lost paradise... It is still in you ;)

    This picture makes me happy...

  4. ibb! this is the sweetest.
    p.s. we are all princesses, aren´t we? :)

  5. Bliss becomes you!
    I remember age 6 or 7 as a blissful time too...to return there is a great way to find it again...
    I think you are on the right track. Is that your mom? It looks like a yukata (kimono), and she looks like you I think.
    I agree with Otli, and that it's still you and the you then is the you now; your wonderful photo is a call or reminder of the bliss in you wanting to 'come out'! Thanks for showing her/you to us:) Hope you keep this photo out and near you for a while...♡

  6. pure bliss too!
    7 yo, the best to be a princess ;-)

  7. Que salada!! yo tengo una hermana que también quería ser princesa, lo que nos hemos reído con ella! eres igual que tu madre! besos

  8. What a sweet photo! I hope to be able to make my kids feel like princess and knights everyday! As an adult, it's harder to feel like a princess, but I hope you have many moments of real happiness.

  9. That is so wonderful that your mother had fun with you and played dress up! Have a wonderful day!

  10. I agree with Kenza !!! precious time...

  11. Claro que sim! Espero que o teu príncipe encantado chegue num cavalo branco;)

  12. sweet photo. love the colors!

  13. What a great photo. I wish you more 'feeling-like-a-princess-moments'!

  14. Yes and o f course, nice memories are a kind of bliss ! Amazing photo, colors and landscape !

  15. adorable post! this picture is kind of amazing.


    xo Alison

  16. Princess for a day, how nice. It is good to feel this way, but I agree with Elisabelle, you should have this feeling more than once. I wish for you to feel like a princess again one day soon.


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