
Walking around city

Riding. Bizikletan. En bici.

Old part shadows. Alde zaharreko itzalak. Las sombras del casco viejo.

Clouds. Sun. Clouds.
Hodeiak. Eguzkia. Hodeiak.
Nubes. Sol. Nubes.

17 comentarios:

  1. Me encantan esos colores vivos en las casas antiguas.
    Un abrazo!

  2. Yes finding beauty in little details!x

  3. Andando en bici me siento feliz... siempre que no sea cuesta arriba :-) beso

  4. Even if I don't really like bicycle, I'ld like to come and visit this place, under this beautiful sky ! And may be drink a coffee with you, in this amazing street !

    Have a nice... sky !

  5. If I might say so myself you have a beautiful town to enjoy the view. xo

  6. Yes, can I join you too?
    I'd love to walk and ride a bicycle in your city:)

  7. Aqui também sol, nuvens, sol, nuvens, sol...Beijinhos!

  8. It's been raining for a whole week here. No bici.
    Something for me is waiting for collection at the post office:)

  9. what a great looking city you live in!

  10. I'm on my way to drink a coffee !

    and I'm glad you know Siena... one of my favorite place in Italy...

  11. your city looks so attractive, would love to walk through the streets right now

  12. What a beautiful old street, clouds, sun, clouds, sun. Things I love :^)

  13. PS thank you for your philosophical comment.

    I shared a breakfast with you and wrote about it in my post from today:))happy weekend to you!

  14. dear Ibb,
    enjoy the weekend in your own brave way

    (sun, clouds, sun; i think you are right)

    see you again next week, thank you for all your messages, my friend

  15. Deja el pasado, las sombras y los ángulos obtusos...
    La vida es hoy y mañana:)
    Ponte un poco de música, baila, sal, conoce cosas, diviértete, nunca se deja de ser joven para nada y mucho menos para ser feliz.
    Espero que aproveches tu tiempo y un poco del mío. Te lo regalo para que hagas cosas interesantes mientras me como los libros y los folios de estudio!
    Muchos besitos, y AMUNT como decimos aquí


Thanks for coming in
Mila esker etortzeagatik
Gracias por pasar