
To my dear Ninja

Ciclying. Bizikletan. En bici.

Taking photos. Argazkiak ateratzen. Sacando fotos.

Nearly falling. Dear Ninja, I need some classes.

11 comentarios:

  1. you are a pro! so good to be back! and the sun is out!!! happy one year darling! besos!

  2. Oh dear, Ninja is spreading her telephotony on wheels, be careful:)!
    PS I can't imagine trying the same on our curvy roads!!

  3. ji ji ji... ninja batacazo?

    a ninja never gets wobbly.
    a ninja never falls. a ninja never fails.
    a ninja is lighter than the wind and quicker than the speed of light.

    you are obviously a beginner. however, should you want to become a ninja apprentice... persevere, ibabe san, you must always persevere.

  4. Seems you have fun!!! But be careful....
    Enjoy ride in sunshine...

  5. jajajajaja como dice Jane estás hecha una pro! menuda bici mas moderrrrrna!
    Me encantaría compartir un té contigo si no fuera porque lo odio...así que tú te pides té y yo me pido algo con más sustancia vale? :)
    Venga va, vente arriba, siempre arriba...
    Qué ganas tengo de que todos salgamos de esta :D

  6. Looks good to me - from my perspective you have done a wonderful job! Keep it up... :^)

  7. I wish I would live in a more "flat" region (or would be fitter) and could make it to the studio by bike. I´m sure you felt great after your trip. Have fun!

  8. Fais attention !!!! It reminds me this fabulous week-end in Perigord ; )

  9. Fun to see from this perspective... with out my glasses the most front tree shape looks like a heart...

  10. You drive ? I'm behind you and admire the place !


Thanks for coming in
Mila esker etortzeagatik
Gracias por pasar