As I told you August has been quite hard to my mother, so I decided to bring her to San Sebastian. Wander, walk along the beach, and go shopping, just discovering new shops and visiting old ones.
The first discovery is an old shop. They sell all kind of natural fibers. It is centenary shop, full of all time goods. Those kind of shops that has a special essence.
Como os conté mi madre ha tenido un mes de agosto bastante duro, por lo que decidí llevármela a San Sebastian. Vagar, pasear por la costa e ir de compras, descubriendo nuevos sitios y visitando los viejos conocidos.
El primer descubrimiento fue una vieja tienda. De esas que venden toda clase de cosas hechas con fibras. Una de esas tiendas centenarias, llena de cosas de toda la vida. Con una esencia especial.
Esan nizuen bezala amak abuztu zaila izan du, beraz Donostira eraman nun egun pasa. Pasiatzera, kostaldetik ibiltzera eta dendatan. Berriak deskubritzera eta zaharretan galtzera.
Lehen sorpresa, betiko denda batean izan genuen. Bizitza guztiko denda horietakoak, non fibraz eginiko gauza mordoa topatu genituen. Halako zeozer berezia zuen.
I love walking around the old part, just looking at the shop-windows. Those with traditional touristic artisan goods, and of course those of food and drinks. I think I could pass one day, just buying food to cook, and drinks to cheer.
Me encanta pasear por el casco viejo, simplemente mirando escaparates. Esos con artesanía tradicional para los turistas, y desde luego los de comida y bebida. Podría pasarme el día comprando comida para luego cocinar y bebida para brindar.
Maite diat alde zaharretik galtzen, dendetako lehioak ikustatzen. Horiek turistendako eskulanak eta dituztenak eta noski bazkari eta edariz beteriko besteak. Eguna bazkaltzeko eta gero kozinatzeko, edo edariak gero elkarreking edateko erosten pasako nuke.
A new discovery was also a printing or art shop. It was located in an old butcher shop that keeps most of the butcher decoration. They sell affordable art pieces inspired in the city. I could not resist and bought a little one for home.
Un descubrimiento fue encontrar una pequeña tienda de arte. Ubicada en una vieja carnicería, conserva parte de la decoración de la misma. Venden arte a precios asequibles inspirada en la ciudad. No pude resistir comprarme una lámina para casa.
Aurkikuntza berezi izan genuen konstituzio plaza inguruan. Arte denda txikia. Haragitegi batean irekita dago, eta dekorazioa haragitegikoa da. Artea saltzen dute prezio nahiko onean. Nirea etxean diat jada.
I love the first shop where there beautiful things. I can imagine the smell...
ResponderEliminarIt was incredible...i have to go back and buy something to try with fibers this winter
EliminarA wonderful scape. I hope you mum is fine!!!
ResponderEliminarShe is getting used to "family" is not exactly what one would love to be. Problems of taking care of my, you know.
EliminarYou look great, how is all...writing again?
I hope the two of you had a nice time on your mother-daughter trip! All three shops look so interesting, especially the first one - the kind of shop that has disappeared here :(
ResponderEliminarIt was a good there are none of must go to bilbao or san sebastian
ResponderEliminarLooks like you are having your own adventure! There is a picture of me at the airport heading off to my adventure. I am the blond! I am sure there will be a few more coming up. Currently in Vienna, but tomorrow we head to Bratislava. Have fun!
ResponderEliminarYes true...good looking!
EliminarWow, that´s a part of Europe I don´t know...enjoy
A mi también me encanta vagar por tiendas, y sobre todo, si tienen tanta solera como las que tu nos ofrece.
Un abrazo.
La verdad es difícil encontrar "joyas" así....
EliminarSo nice that You take care of Your mother.
ResponderEliminarI love those baskets.
She needs so much, as she cannot take care of hers as much as she would love