
Corner view : vision

I have new glasses. I chose one simple black ones, but with colourful inside part. Red and blue. That´s is most I like, that from certain distance they look normal, but once one come closer discovers that has that something special. It is like with people. One must look closer to see that colourful vision.
Betaurreko berriak ditut. Beltzak baina kolorez betetako barnekaldearekin. Urdin eta gorriak. Eta hori da gehien gustatzen zaidana, halako modu batek urrutitik arruntak ikusteak eta gero hurbiltzean kolorez bererik daudela deskubritzeak. Pertsonekin bezala. Hurbiletik ikusi behar ikuspuntu koloretzua ikusteko.
Me he comprado gafas nuevas. Las elegí en negro, pero con un interior colorido. Azul y rojo. Es lo que más me gusta, que de alguna forma, a cierta distancia parezcan convencionales y luego al acercarse se vayan descubriendo los colores. Es como con las personas. Hay que acercarse para poder descubrir esa visión llena de matices.

17 comentarios:

  1. That's right.
    Like your new glasses! Colours, form...I would have similar ones if I needed. The day will come, that's for sure. ;o)

  2. It's like you have your own private party going on!

  3. i never find chosing glasses an easy task. you've managed the challenge proper!
    argrghghg... what would we be without them, he?

  4. Nice glasses and I so agree with your take on people! I need glasses myself, I may "steal" your style and get some similar :-)

  5. p.s. I like your personalized pen!

  6. Very right! I have new glasses too since January. :) Also in black outside. But also inside.

  7. I have glasses black from the outside but from my eye side it is pink, somehow it gives me a quiet vision!

  8. I agree with your vision ... and I need new glasses :)

  9. Indeed! Lovely glasses, and a great approach to people (by the way I love Corto dentures as well, I'm a big fan!).

  10. Ah- so very true! Lovely new glasses!

  11. Oh boy, glasses are hot aren't they? I've just ordered some myself - the 'legs' are colored, so sideways it is quite a spectacle.

    I bet they suit you. Love that book image by the way.


  12. So true that one must look closer to really get to know and love a person.


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