
Corner view: away

When I think about butterflies, I always think about travelling away, about flying far from they are, about discovering and escaping away in an eyeblink. Sometimes I dream of being a colourfull butterfly flying away from everything, from flower to flower, just enjoying. Summer has passed by and left little, now "year" starts again and not sure which way my life will take. Just will try to enjoy everyday, flying away from corner to corner.
Tximeletei buruz pentsatzen dudanean, beti datorkizkit burura, bidaiak, egun beroak eta leku batetik bestera mugitu ahala. Batzutan amesten dut tximeleta koloretzua naizela, urrun ihes egiteko, lorez lorez ezertaz arduratu gabe. Udan arin joan da eta bizitzak zer norabide hartuko duen esperoan bizi naiz. Nahiz eta egitan eguro ezkinatik ezkinara egan dihoan tximelata izan nahi dudan.
Cuando pienso en las mariposas, siempre las imagino viajando de un lado a otro, volando de flor en flor escapándose en un suspiro. A veces sueño con ellas, con poder disfrutar de la simplicidad de su vuelo. El verano pasó rápido y me encuento en la tesitura, íncoma, de buscar un rumbo a mi vida, aunque realmente me gustaría poder disfrutar del simple echo de volar de esquina a esquina.

Origami papers from dear Joanne

9 comentarios:

  1. Ahh, the life of a butterfly!
    I love your origami creations, and hope those and your imagination bring you to beautiful places.

  2. I love your butterflies! I see you have a few cranes on your shelf. I have one sitting on a picture frame next to our dining room table!

  3. I love your origami butterflies, and I love that you have them flying in your home.
    I have fallen in love with butterflies over the last few years, so your post goes right to my ♡。
    I have to learn to make an origami butterfly now!!
    Lots of Love,
    I will also see if I can do a late post for CV, would like to get back in the groove and fly back into the magical corner view world,

  4. Your butterflies are lovely and a really beautiful symbol...

  5. such colorful creations and I love what butterflies symbolize.

  6. any which way your life turns, ibb, it'll be the right one if it makes you fully happy.
    good luck!
    butterflies help, i'm told!

  7. no more flying for me for a while! :)

  8. Love the butterflies and beautifully worded post!

  9. what a lovely butterfly "away' post! I do love butterflies and those are nice made!


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